You: Hey Stranger: hellooo Stranger: m/f? You: I am a 23 years young female from Holland :) Stranger: coooool Stranger: i am a 17 year old male from england You: I always wanted to go to England once! Stranger: nahhhh its pretty boring here lol You: In wich city do you live then? Stranger: i dont live in a city Stranger: i live in the countryside You: Owh ^^ Stranger: hehe Stranger: so whats your name>? You: My name is Sarah Stranger: ah cool Stranger: mines luke You: Cool Stranger: so what do you do? You: I am all wet now.. You: Just came out of the shower :) Stranger: haha Stranger: yeeeaaa i need a shower loll You: But I am missing someone to shower with me Stranger: me too You: My boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago You: I was all sad and stuff Stranger: aww that sucks You: but now, im like You: Fuck it, I dont want to give my life allt o him You: There is more to live! Stranger: yea i know how it feels lol You: How sweet :) Stranger: haha Stranger: but yeaa there will always be someone else You: Lets keep our fingers crossed! Stranger: haha yeeaaa Stranger: how long were you with him? You: like 1,5 years You: give me 5 minutes You: (dressing up) You: Got to go to work Stranger: ah that sucks You: Dressed up and well :) You: Heard England haves a really bad work situation You: No jobs, low wages and stuff Stranger: yeeaaa Stranger: i'm suposed to get a job for the summer but there are non going at all You: How about you, do you have a job? Stranger: nooope You: Hope you get 1 Stranger: yea me too lol You: Im happy with my job then ! ^^ Stranger: what job do you have? You: Actually You: I am a travestite You: I work at the red ligt district You: I fuck homosexuals brutally You: lol You: BAIBAI You: WORK IS CALLING!! You have disconnected.