[17:03] u realize i don [17:03] ->> BadHAL is ~nn@Throwing.Rocks.at.Retards (El Pato) [17:03] ->> BadHAL is on: ~#SpecialEd ~#GDSC +#mpc [17:03] ->> BadHAL using *.rizon.net (Where are you?) [17:03] ->> BadHAL has identified for this nick [17:03] ->> BadHAL :End of /WHOIS list. [17:03] 't give a crap [17:03] you couldnt code yourself out of a paper bag, just like 95% of the game-deception members. [17:03] ya, u right [17:03] sorry [17:03] i actually [17:03] literally only went [17:03] which is why you keep coming back [17:03] to see if the channel [17:03] so [17:03] still existed [17:03] ill let you in [17:04] now [17:04] since i made a mistake [17:04] no [17:04] since I can't code [17:04] there [17:04] i dont want to join [17:04] ban lifted [17:04] no [17:04] we want you back! [17:04] i really dont care [17:04] like i said [17:04] show us all how to code please! [17:04] PLZ! [17:04] really just to see [17:04] well [17:04] i tried [17:04] but the nubs on gd [17:04] would rather [17:04] steal my cdoe [17:04] code* [17:04] and then claim [17:04] that they wrote it 1[17:04] and then ban me [17:04] so no thanks [17:04] JUST SHOW US HOW PLZ! [17:04] PLZ COME BACK! [17:04] no thanks [17:04] that was your last chance [17:04] and you guys blew it [17:04] i promise I wont BAN YOU PLZ! [17:04] so now ur all doomed [17:05] OH NOEZ! [17:05] WHAT?! [17:05] THIS IS UNFAIR!?! [17:05] idc [17:05] honestly [17:05] just funny [17:05] how u got so trolled [17:05] in like 3 seconds [17:05] when i didnt even say anything [17:05] ya [17:05] you showed me [17:05] and i was just going to leave [17:05] lol [17:06] im so raged [17:06] but then u HAD to say seotmhing [17:06] ya you clearly were raged enough [17:06] you win [17:06] to ban [17:06] again [17:06] for no reason [17:06] but its k [17:06] i told you, you win [17:06] you can come back [17:06] plz come back [17:06] im sry! [17:06] no. [17:06] im begging you! cuz, you obviously know so much more than all of us put together [17:06] i never said that [17:06] only about 5% of GD members [17:06] could actually [17:06] code [17:07] the rest are just nubs [17:07] like wav [17:07] and organner [17:07] plz show us nubs howto make leet hax? [17:07] ill give you a cookie? [17:07] just stfu [17:07] no [17:07] GD nubs are so funny to troll [17:07] im trying to get you back into gd [17:07] and you are like [17:07] ragebinned [17:07] 'IM TOO GUD FOR U NOW!' [17:08] even if its true, come back PLZ!!!!!! [17:08] PLZ PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPLZ [17:08] u can stop msging me now [17:08] so i can put the whole convo on ragebin [17:08] no [17:08] thanks. [17:08] lol [17:08] that's what I was doing [17:08] no fair Just another GD Troll Session. Initiated after I joined the channel to see if it still existed.