[05:52] <@Spyow7> Anymore useful '!' cmds [05:52] <@Spyow7> Actually? [05:52] <@Spyow7> Darn [05:52] <@Spyow7> tell me tht now [05:52] <@Spyow7> thnx [05:52] <@Spyow7> lol [05:52] !ban *!*@* [05:52] --DerpServ-- You are not authorized to perform this operation. [05:53] try it. [05:53] <@Spyow7> So [05:53] <@Spyow7> Anymore ! commands? [05:53] TheNoodle: Can any /msg chanserv be subsituted by !? [05:53] I'm not sure, try it out [05:53] !namegen [05:53] !getkey [05:53] yup [05:54] \o/ [05:54] <@Spyow7> !ban *!*@* [05:54] <@Spyow7> ... [05:54] <@Spyow7> nuthing happend [05:54] <@Spyow7> :0 [05:54] * DerpServ sets mode +b *!*@* for #epicbuild [05:54] It just happened. [05:54] ->> Can not send to channel #epicbuild :Reason (Cannot send to channel) [05:54] --> Spyow7 - type !unban *!*@* [05:54] * Frank31xl2 (~frankie31@ Quit ( Ping timeout: 192 seconds ) [05:55] * Boreeas (~Boreeas@walk.freebnc.net) has left #epicbuild [05:55] <@Spyow7> emm [05:55] <@Spyow7> what does !namegen do? [05:56] --> Spyow7 - You need to type !unban *!*@* [05:56] --> Spyow7 - we can't talk. [05:57] * Spyow7 (~Spyow7@5ac4a962.bb.sky.com) Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer ) ----in #help---- [05:54] * Spyow7 (~Spyow7@5ac4a962.bb.sky.com) has joined #help [05:57] <+TheNoodle> That, was a demonstration of wildcards. *!*@* bans every username using any ident from any ip. The format is Username!ident@ip [05:57] <+TheNoodle> I'd suggest typing !unban *!*@* now Spyow7. [05:57] * Spyow7 (~Spyow7@5ac4a962.bb.sky.com) Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer ) [05:57] <@TheBadShepperd> >_> [05:58] <+TheNoodle> TheBadShepperd....can you fix it please? :3 [05:58] <+TheNoodle> Apparently he ignored the notices I kept sending him >.> [05:58] <@TheBadShepperd> How am I suppose to fix it? He is already gone, silly Noodle. [05:58] * spyow7 (~Spyow7@5ac4a962.bb.sky.com) has joined #help [05:58] <@TheBadShepperd> ;) [05:58] NOODLE [05:58] --TheBadShepperd-- Snicker snicker [05:58] <+TheNoodle> That, was a demonstration of wildcards. *!*@* bans every username using any ident from any ip. The format is Username!ident@ip [05:58] THNX TO YOU IM FUCKING BANNED FROM MY OWN CHANNEL [05:59] Spyow7: You can remove it [05:59] WHY DIF YOU SAY TRY IT THEN! [05:59] HOW [05:59] <+TheNoodle> spyow7, I messaged you many times telling you how to undo it. [05:59] Spyow7 Do /msg chanserv unban *!*@* #epicbuild [05:59] I CANT GET ONCTHE CHNNEL TO DO IT! [05:59] Spyow7: You don't need to [05:59] COZ IM FUCKING BANNED [05:59] Oops [06:00] ./msg is global, you can use it from anywhere [06:00] You just need to tell chanserv the channel [06:00] IM ANGRY [06:00] RAWWW [06:00] ROARRR [06:00] OMG [06:00] Who would've guessed [06:00] IT SAYS NOT REGISTERD [06:01] F U [06:01] ... [06:01] hahaha XD [06:01] <@mr_flea> uh [06:01] GREAT [06:01] THNX ALOT NOODLE [06:02] ...... [06:02] umad? [06:02] <@TheBadShepperd> spyow7, wait just a moment. [06:02] Spyow7: Oh, I told you wrong [06:02] <+TheNoodle> Sorry spyow7, but I did tell you how to undo it, and it is an excellent demonstration of wildcards. [06:03] do /msg chanserv unban #epicbuild *.*@* [06:03] I switched the order or args, sorry [06:03] * spyow7 (~Spyow7@5ac4a962.bb.sky.com) Quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer ) [06:03] * spyow7 (~Spyow7@5ac4a962.bb.sky.com) has joined #help [06:03] I am literally sitting here, laughing my ass off right now [06:03] ^same [06:03] how do I undo it [06:03] do /msg chanserv unban #epicbuild *.*@* [06:03] Just at the all caps rage. [06:04] * TheBadShepperd sets mode +m for #help [06:04] * TheBadShepperd sets mode +v spyow7 for #help [06:04] <+spyow7> n [06:04] <+spyow7> wtf? [06:04] <+TheNoodle> Sorry tbs :/ [06:04] <@TheBadShepperd> spyow7, issue /msg ChanServ UNBAN #epicbuild [06:04] <+spyow7> exactly tht [06:04] <@TheBadShepperd> Exactly that.