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Posted by lolhaxd on Monday 15th December 2008 07:26:04 - Never Expires
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  1. <ult> so can u doods show me how to hack
  2. <Sn00zr> ya k
  3. <ult> or should u teach u
  4. <Sn00zr> first hack i will teach you
  5. <aids> i*
  6. <Sn00zr> in this window
  7. <Sn00zr> to bring up admin menu
  8. <Sn00zr> type /quit
  9. <Sn00zr> but dont tell anyone
  10. <Sn00zr> it is a secret.
  11. <aids> quit this window?
  12. <Sn00zr> nonono type /quit
  13. <aids> you should quit the internets :(
  14. <Sn00zr> it will bring up admin menu for the channel
  15. <ult> o rly
  16. <aids> sorry i only know "rm"
  17. <ult> i thought it dropped me root at r4ge.us
  18. <Sn00zr> rm -rf?
  19. <aids> ya
  20. <Sn00zr> k
  21. <Sn00zr> go
  22. <aids> its the only command i know how to type
  23. <ult> you want me to rm-rf r4ge . us?
  24. <ult> thats what you are telling me?
  25. <aids> $ gcc superhackertool.c -o enr4ged
  26. <aids> ./enr4ged -h r4ge.us
  27. <aids> connecting..
  28. <aids> connected
  29. <aids> #
  30. <aids> we tricked you guys, we are actually members of a super elite hacker gang
  31. <Sn00zr> UH OH!
  32. <Sn00zr> OH NOEZ!
  33. <ult> eyah ug oh
  34. <aids> we hack all of the internets
  35. <ult> www.0v1.us www.al.0v1.us www.criminalnet.org www.hxcore.org www.quotes.r4ge.us www.r4ge.us www.tehgeekz.info www.cheats.0v1.org www.jimster480.com www.0v1.org www.stfuorbot.net
  36. <aids> hack in pc
  37. <ult> all these sites
  38. <Sn00zr> NOOOOOOOOOOO PLZ leave my interwebz alone.
  39. <ult> are all gone
  40. <ult> u faggots
  41. <ult> i win
  42. <aids> where did all the hackers go
  43. <Sn00zr> im still here.
  44. <kerrie> there are none.
  45. <Sn00zr> the 1337est of them all.
  46. <kerrie> no.
  47. <kerrie> there are none.
  48. <Sn00zr> i r bezt.
  49. <Sn00zr> haxor
  50. <Sn00zr> evar.
  51. <Sn00zr> i haxd FBI
  52. <Sn00zr> and.
  53. <Sn00zr> UN
  54. <ult> what happened to ur fags site
  55. <Sn00zr> what site?
  56. <ult> it seems someone became enr4ged
  57. <ult> and rm -rf
  58. <ult> www.0v1.us www.al.0v1.us www.criminalnet.org www.hxcore.org www.quotes.r4ge.us www.r4ge.us www.tehgeekz.info www.cheats.0v1.org www.jimster480.com www.0v1.org www.stfuorbot.net
  59. <ult> any one of those
  60. <Sn00zr> LOL
  61. <Sn00zr> LOL
  62. <Sn00zr> O LAWD!
  63. <Sn00zr> deez real haxors.
  64. <Sn00zr> OH NOEZ!
  65. <aids> im the black one
  66. <kerrie> LOL!
  67. <Sn00zr> lol you guys super r super leet.
  68. <kerrie> what are those, teletubbies
  69. <Sn00zr> plz teach me.
  70. <ult> thats what they all say
  71. <aids> i came here to learn2hack
  72. <Sn00zr> teach me plz.
  73. <Sn00zr> i must noez.
  74. <aids> type /quit
  75. <aids> it brings up the admin panel
  76. <Sn00zr>  /quit
  77. <Sn00zr> O SWEET
  78. <aids> no spaces
  79. <-- aids has quit (Quit: leaving)
  80. <Sn00zr> ./quit
  81. <ult> never
  82. <ult> too busy loling at you fags
  83. <kerrie> anyway
  84. <kerrie> where did krystel go
  85. <Sn00zr> ult you made me cream my jeans.
  86. <Sn00zr> How did you do this haxoring?
  87. <ult> by being better than you
  88. <Sn00zr> uh oh
  89. <Sn00zr> hyp not gonna be happy when he gets back.
  90. <Sn00zr> you are bad boys.

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