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Posted by jambizzle ragd 2 on Tuesday 16th December 2008 00:08:50 - Never Expires
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  1. <tatootian> talk to me when you have 3xgtx280s
  2. <tatootian> ok
  3. <JaM-BiZzLe> i have 2x 9320s
  4. <JaM-BiZzLe> lmfao
  5. <JaM-BiZzLe> 1 gig
  6. <JaM-BiZzLe> thats all i need fool
  7. <JaM-BiZzLe> 490$
  8. <tatootian> ROFL
  9. <tatootian> wow
  10. <tatootian> you get 100 fps on CS
  11. <tatootian> ROFLA
  12. <tatootian> HAHA
  13. <tatootian> HA
  14. <tatootian> HA
  15. <tatootian> HBA
  16. <tatootian> H
  17. <tatootian> rofl
  18. <tatootian> you're terrible @ finding good deals
  19. <tatootian> ROFL
  20. <JaM-BiZzLe> normal cs
  21. <JaM-BiZzLe> runs at
  22. <JaM-BiZzLe> 101
  23. <tatootian> no
  24. <JaM-BiZzLe> thats all i need fool
  25. <tatootian> are you dumb
  26. <tatootian> all you need is 30-60
  27. <JaM-BiZzLe> ur extra "200" + fps doesnt do shit
  28. <tatootian> you're dumb
  29. <JaM-BiZzLe> ya
  30. <tatootian> ROFL
  31. <JaM-BiZzLe> thats all u need
  32. <JaM-BiZzLe> but
  33. <JaM-BiZzLe> normal
  34. <tatootian> EXTRA 40 DOESN'T DO SHIT
  35. <JaM-BiZzLe> with
  36. <tatootian> ROFL
  37. <JaM-BiZzLe> video
  38. <JaM-BiZzLe> card
  39. <tatootian> AHGAHAH
  40. <tatootian> WOW
  41. <JaM-BiZzLe> is
  42. <JaM-BiZzLe> 101
  43. <tatootian> IDIOT
  44. <tatootian> ROFL
  45. <JaM-BiZzLe> noob
  46. <JaM-BiZzLe> Stfu noob
  47. <tatootian> you are dumb
  48. <JaM-BiZzLe> gg
  49. <tatootian> i'm sorry
  50. <JaM-BiZzLe> msg me
  51. <JaM-BiZzLe> when u have 5
  52. <tatootian> yeah, you are
  53. <JaM-BiZzLe> cal m+
  54. <tatootian> ROFL
  55. <JaM-BiZzLe> lets go
  56. <tatootian> k
  57. <tatootian> let's go
  58. <tatootian> what server
  59. <tatootian> oh
  60. <tatootian> wait
  61. <JaM-BiZzLe> server=
  62. <tatootian> you're
  63. <JaM-BiZzLe> ?
  64. <tatootian> pussy
  65. <JaM-BiZzLe> ROFL
  66. <JaM-BiZzLe> OWNED
  67. <JaM-BiZzLe> GG
  68. <JaM-BiZzLe> 1-0
  69. <JaM-BiZzLe> MSG ME
  70. <JaM-BiZzLe> WHEN U GOT
  71. <JaM-BiZzLe> 5
  72. <tatootian> ROFL
  73. <JaM-BiZzLe> GG
  74. <tatootian> cal-i gogogo
  75. <tatootian> waiting
  76. <tatootian> yeah
  77. <tatootian> pussy
  78. <JaM-BiZzLe> ROFL
  79. <JaM-BiZzLe> I AM CAL I M +\
  80. <JaM-BiZzLe> WAS INVITED
  81. <JaM-BiZzLe> AFTER
  82. <JaM-BiZzLe> MY MAIN++
  83. <JaM-BiZzLe> NOOB
  84. <JaM-BiZzLe> LMFAO
  85. <tatootian> yeah, but you're bad
  86. <tatootian> so
  87. <JaM-BiZzLe> @
  88. <JaM-BiZzLe> YOU
  89. <JaM-BiZzLe> ROF
  90. <JaM-BiZzLe> L
  91. <JaM-BiZzLe> ROFL
  92. <tatootian> ?
  93. <tatootian> wat
  94. <tatootian> wen i get my 3rd gtx 5v5
  95. <tatootian> scrim
  96. <tatootian> etc
  97. <JaM-BiZzLe> ROFL
  98. <JaM-BiZzLe> GG
  99. <JaM-BiZzLe> I OWN U
  100. <JaM-BiZzLe> 2-0
  101. <tatootian> and i'll 40 bomb
  102. <tatootian> etc
  103. <tatootian> talx 2 me wen ur les dum
  104. <tatootian> etc

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