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Posted by Jason0520 on Monday 16th April 2012 00:10:06 - Never Expires
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  1. [23:25:11] +LilAntonio : jason get on teamspeak i'll explain
  2. [23:25:29] @Echo419 : no idea
  3. [23:25:45] +LilAntonio : Echo why u kicked amiti?
  4. [23:25:45] @Echo419 : don't see amits problem though
  5. [23:25:51] @Echo419 : y he kick ban me
  6. [23:25:55] @Jason0520 : idk
  7. [23:26:00] @Jason0520 : i think...
  8. [23:26:04] +LilAntonio : cuz they were gettin thru esperbot
  9. [23:26:07] @Jason0520 : someone with a keylogger got you IP thingy
  10. [23:26:11] +LilAntonio : he started kciking eveyrone
  11. [23:26:13] +LilAntonio : yea
  12. [23:26:16] @Jason0520 : and when he got unbanned
  13. [23:26:19] @Jason0520 : got on as you
  14. [23:26:22] @Jason0520 : and unbanned him self
  15. [23:26:28] @Jason0520 : and kicked my offline -_-
  16. [23:26:29] +LilAntonio : thats why amiti kicked u
  17. [23:26:30] @Echo419 : what the hell are you on about
  18. [23:26:34] @Echo419 : can i have that in somethign sensible?
  19. [23:26:40] @Jason0520 : ummm
  20. [23:26:44] @Jason0520 : trolls joined
  21. [23:26:47] @Jason0520 : with hacks
  22. [23:26:53] @Jason0520 : they logged in as you
  23. [23:26:54] +LilAntonio : well 2-3 ppl joined hacking unbanning themsleves
  24. [23:26:56] Veitan : they hacked esperbot
  25. [23:26:56] @Jason0520 : when we banned them
  26. [23:27:03] @Jason0520 : they went on as esperbot
  27. [23:27:06] @Jason0520 : and unbanned themselves
  28. [23:27:12] @Jason0520 : idk how
  29. [23:27:26] +LilAntonio : and den amiti decided to kick u and iot stoped
  30. [23:27:28] +LilAntonio : it*
  31. [23:27:39] @Jason0520 : what he said ^^
  32. [23:27:59] @Echo419 : should i be taking that as an accusation then?
  33. [23:28:01] +LilAntonio : it was extremely hecktick but andrew oped amiti
  34. [23:28:31] @Jason0520 : uhhh sorry i sound dumb :P what is that?
  35. [23:28:45] +LilAntonio : amiti was jus trying to help
  36. [23:28:48] +LilAntonio : :3
  37. [23:28:51] @Jason0520 : Echo
  38. [23:28:55] @Jason0520 : we were trying to stop hackers
  39. [23:28:56] Senlarus : There's no need to get defensive here...
  40. [23:29:08] Senlarus : The situation was handled and its in the past. lets all just move on
  41. [23:29:09] @Echo419 : are you asking me what an accusation is?
  42. [23:29:22] @Jason0520 : hahaha yes
  43. [23:29:27] @Echo419 : this conversation is over
  44. [23:29:31] @Jason0520 : wtf
  45. [23:29:42] @Jason0520 : im sorry but thats pretty immature.
  46. [23:29:48] @Jason0520 : were over here with hackers
  47. [23:29:53] @Jason0520 : and because i don't know one word
  48. [23:29:56] @Jason0520 : you wont help us
  49. [23:30:06] Senlarus : Jason, just leave it. He's obviously being a jerk and your just going to continue to provoke him.
  50. [23:30:54] @Echo419 : no it' sgot nothing to do with the fact you've accused me of hacking the server 3 times now
  51. [23:31:02] @Jason0520 : no
  52. [23:31:07] @Echo419 : with clear bullshit reasons
  53. [23:31:07] @Jason0520 : i didnt acuse you of hacking
  54. [23:31:11] @Jason0520 : ii said
  55. [23:31:16] @Jason0520 : someone with hacks
  56. [23:31:18] @Jason0520 : NOT you
  57. [23:31:22] @Jason0520 : got onto your account
  58. [23:31:29] @Jason0520 : and went on there other account at same time
  59. [23:31:29] @Echo419 : 1 week ago you accused me of hacking op in this irc chan
  60. [23:31:32] @Echo419 : which is hilarious
  61. [23:31:39] @Jason0520 : because you didnt tell me who you were
  62. [23:31:43] @Jason0520 : i didnt know you were IRC host
  63. [23:31:45] +LilAntonio : echo u did nothin thing is
  64. [23:31:45] @Jason0520 : or whatever
  65. [23:31:48] @Echo419 : #2 no one is on as me otherwise my client would have disconnected
  66. [23:32:02] @Jason0520 : well then how did they unban them selves?
  67. [23:32:13] @Echo419 : so you are accusing me
  68. [23:32:17] @Jason0520 : ....
  69. [23:32:20] @Jason0520 : please read what im saying
  70. [23:32:20] Veitan : echo the thing is we got hacked and now it's over so can we just drop this
  71. [23:32:26] +LilAntonio : no no they were hacking into esperbot unbanning themsleves
  72. [23:32:32] @Jason0520 : what anthony said
  73. [23:32:47] @Jason0520 : well lilantonio said
  74. [23:32:48] @Jason0520 : sorry
  75. [23:32:50] [Join-#kryptiox] MrMan ([email protected]) (Commercial/Normal)
  76. [23:32:53] @Jason0520 : see ^^
  77. [23:33:03] MrMan : wat iz happenin
  78. [23:33:11] MrMan : guyz?
  79. [23:33:43] @Jason0520 : !kickban mrman
  80. [23:33:43] [Mode-#kryptiox] EsperBot +b *!*@brb.stealing.allyourlogins.com
  81. [23:33:43] [Kick-#kryptiox] MrMan was kicked by EsperBot ((Jason0520) No reason given)
  82. ? MrMan is not on #kryptiox
  83. [23:33:47] @Jason0520 : see what i mean Echo
  84. [23:34:00] @Jason0520 : his Hostname is: brb.stealing.allyourlogins.com
  85. [23:34:06] @Echo419 : and what?
  86. [23:34:12] @Jason0520 : he unbanned himself.....
  87. [23:34:16] @Jason0520 : and hacking us
  88. [23:34:19] @gv1222 : probably a hacker
  89. [23:34:24] @Jason0520 : gv
  90. [23:34:28] @Jason0520 : he already kicked my offline
  91. [23:34:30] +adammountain3317 : they keep unbanning themselves and trolloing, you not reading what has been said?
  92. [23:39:04] +LilAntonio : Esperbot explain
  93. [23:39:11] @Jason0520 : esperbot got hacked?
  94. [23:39:17] Veitan : wth is going on
  95. [23:39:17] @EsperBot : Explain what
  96. [23:39:18] +LilAntonio : i guess
  97. [23:39:23] @Jason0520 : everything..
  98. [23:39:26] +LilAntonio : why r u unbanning them? lol

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