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Posted by lulz ragequit on Thursday 15th January 2009 02:43:29 - Never Expires
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  1. 02:36   a0              � faggot
  2.  02:36   CausticChrist   � I only had one emo nick to be exact
  3.  02:37   CausticChrist   � Also Im older then you.
  4.  02:37   CausticChrist   � Not that it matters
  5.  02:37   a0              � rifk
  6.  02:37   a0              � ahaha
  7.  02:37   a0              � and you're at teen chat
  8.  02:37   a0              � and the internet
  9.  02:37   a0              � calls me a pedo
  10.  02:37   a0              � ya
  11.  02:37   CausticChrist   � excuse me
  12.  02:37   a0              � nice one
  13.  02:37   a0              � mate
  14.  02:37   CausticChrist   � This doesnt say teen chat?
  15.  02:37   a0              � you're excused
  16.  02:38   a0              � you said
  17.  02:38   CausticChrist   � Also your 20
  18.  02:38   CausticChrist   � fucker
  19.  02:38   a0              � you were at ts
  20.  02:38   a0              � uhm
  21.  02:38   CausticChrist   � Dont give me that
  22.  02:38   a0              � btw
  23.  02:38   a0              � it's called "you're"
  24.  02:38   a0              � learn to write english
  25.  02:38   CausticChrist   � the point is
  26.  02:38                   � ruby [[email protected]] has joined #Lobby
  27.  02:38  @X3CUTI0N3R      � wb
  28.  02:38   a0              � especially if you're older than me
  29.  02:38   CausticChrist   � Learn to stfu
  30.  02:38   a0              � i'm not even at teen chat
  31.  02:38  @BarX|Away|      � mikeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  32.  02:38   SkankyRobbie    � mikeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  33.  02:38  @BarX|Away|      � <3
  34.  02:38   CausticChrist   � Ok?
  35.  02:38   SkankyRobbie    � <3
  36.  02:38   a0              � wasn't being serious fucking retard
  37.  02:38   CausticChrist   � Neither am I?
  38.  02:38   a0              � so
  39.  02:38   CausticChrist   � so?
  40.  02:38   a0              � you said you were
  41.  02:38   a0              � mate
  42.  02:38                   � SkankyRobbie [[email protected]] has quit IRC
  43.  02:38   a0              � why
  44.  02:38   a0              � do
  45.  02:38   a0              � u
  46. 02:38   a0              � know
  47.  02:38   a0              � a
  48.  02:38   a0              � lot
  49.  02:38   a0              � of
  50.  02:38   CausticChrist   � when?
  51.  02:38                   � SkankyRobbie [[email protected]] has joined #Lobby
  52.  02:38   a0              � epople
  53.  02:38  @X3CUTI0N3R      � wb
  54.  02:38   a0              � at
  55.  02:38   CausticChrist   � Show me/
  56.  02:38   a0              � teen
  57.  02:38   SkankyRobbie    � lolol
  58.  02:38   a0              � chat
  59.  02:38   ruby            � hai
  60.  02:38   a0              � i
  61.  02:38   a0              � dont
  62.  02:38   a0              � log
  63.  02:38   a0              � mate
  64.  02:38   a0              � im
  65.  02:38   a0              � not
  66.  02:38   a0              � a
  67.  02:38   a0              � fed
  68.  02:38   CausticChrist   � Show me saying that!
  69.  02:38   a0              � only
  70.  02:38   a0              � feds
  71.  02:38   a0              � logs
  72.  02:38   CausticChrist   � Show me?
  73.  02:38   a0              � only
  74.  02:38   a0              � feds
  75.  02:38   a0              � log
  76.  02:38   a0              � only
  77.  02:38   a0              � feds
  78.  02:38   a0              � log
  79.  02:38   CausticChrist   � Yeah yeah
  80.  02:39   CausticChrist   � Stfu
  81.  02:39   a0              � no u
  82.  02:39   CausticChrist   � haha
  83.  02:39   CausticChrist   � you are funny
  84.  02:39   CausticChrist   � fuck this
  85.  02:39                   � CausticChrist [[email protected]] has quit IRC

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