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Posted by hyp selfzline on Sunday 18th January 2009 21:31:38 - Never Expires
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  1. 22:55:08    &Sn00zr � lol
  2. 22:55:12    +mq520 � hyp added auto-re add script
  3. 22:55:16    +mq520 � so
  4. 22:55:18    &Sn00zr � oh
  5. 22:55:19    +mq520 � i shud just changed ip
  6. 22:55:19    +mq520 � plz
  7. 22:55:20    +mq520 � ?
  8. 22:55:21    +mq520 � das it
  9. 22:55:30    +mq520 � but I aint DCing from other nets
  10. 22:55:33    +mq520 � just to get liend
  11. 22:55:37    +mq520 � every 5 mins
  12. 22:55:50    +mq520 � been there done that
  13. 22:55:51    +mq520 � plz
  14. 22:55:52    +BlinKy ([email protected]) quits (Ping timeout)
  15. 22:56:26 * Disconnected
  16. 22:56:25 Closing Link: mq520[x.mus.estpak.ee] (Z:lined (#lolololhavefunragdkid))
  17. 22:58:21    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  18. 22:58:21 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v mq520
  19. 22:58:24    +mq520 � y so ragd?
  20. 22:58:31    &Sn00zr � back so soon?
  21. 22:58:35    +mq520 � ya
  22. 22:58:37    +mq520 � y not
  23. 22:58:38    +mq520 � ?
  24. 22:58:46    +mq520 � seems u dint wrist yet?
  25. 22:58:50    &Sn00zr � me?
  26. 22:58:52    +mq520 � y so slow?
  27. 22:58:56 * Disconnected
  28. 22:58:56 Closing Link: mq520[] (Z:lined (ragd))
  29. 23:00:01    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  30. 23:00:01 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v mq520
  31. 23:00:02    +mq520 � stop QQ?
  32. 23:00:48    &Sn00zr � ?
  33. 23:00:49    &Sn00zr � not me
  34. 23:00:55    +mq520 � k?
  35. 23:00:58    +mq520 � still stop qq
  36. 23:00:58    +mq520 � ?
  37. 23:01:01    &Sn00zr � wtf?
  38. 23:01:16    +mq520 � srs tel
  39. 23:01:23    +mq520 � y u sux hyps dix
  40. 23:01:24    +mq520 � ?
  41. 23:01:43    &Sn00zr � if I wanted to I would have done it myself.
  42. 23:01:44    &Sn00zr � lol
  43. 23:01:58    +mq520 � done wut
  44. 23:01:58    +mq520 � ?
  45. 23:02:02    +mq520 � suxing?
  46. 23:02:03 * Disconnected
  47. 23:02:03 Closing Link: mq520[c-76-122-28-219.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] (Z:lined (PROXY:DETECTED:REASON:mq-ragd))
  48. (no proxy change, unzlined)
  49. 23:03:08    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  50. 23:03:08 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v mq520
  51. 23:03:11    &Echo419 � Question is why didn't you
  52. 23:03:12    +mq520 � srs
  53. 23:03:14    +mq520 � so ragd
  54. 23:03:15    +mq520 � amazin
  55. 23:03:17 &Echo419 sets mode: +o mq520
  56. 23:03:27 * Disconnected
  57. (removing proxy)
  58. 23:03:28 * Unable to connect to server (Host disconnected)
  59. (seems zlined. oh well. new proxy.)
  60. 23:07:59    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  61. 23:07:59 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v ysoSRS
  62. 23:08:01    +ysoSRS � stop qq?
  63. 23:08:01    +ysoSRS � srs
  64. 23:08:04    +ysoSRS � <
  65. 23:08:08 * Disconnected
  66. 23:08:08 Closing Link: ysoSRS[97-88-139-198.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] (Z:lined (no reason))
  67. 23:08:47    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  68. 23:08:47 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v ysoSRS
  69. 23:08:47    +ysoSRS � yo pls i giv gud advice
  70. 23:08:48 * Disconnected
  71. 23:08:47 Closing Link: ysoSRS[c-76-27-173-13.hsd1.va.comcast.net] (Z:lined (no reason))
  72. 23:09:17    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  73. 23:09:17 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v lolhi
  74. 23:09:19    +lolhi � yo pls i giv gud advice
  75. 23:09:20    +lolhi � yo pls i giv gud advice
  76. 23:09:21    +lolhi � ?
  77. 23:09:54 * Disconnected
  78. 23:09:54 Closing Link: lolhi[c-24-130-165-118.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] (Z:lined (nickname is added to 'glisted' Reason: too ragd))
  79. 23:10:59    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  80. 23:10:59 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v telYsoragd
  81. 23:11:04    +telYsoragd � tel asnwer
  82. 23:11:04    +telYsoragd � ?
  83. 23:11:27 * Disconnected
  84. 23:11:27 Closing Link: telYsoragd[c-24-18-167-162.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] (Z:lined (nickname is added to 'glisted' Reason: mq is to ragd for irc))
  85. 23:12:33    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  86. 23:12:33 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v ohi
  87. 23:12:38    +ohi � sup
  88. 23:12:49 * Disconnected
  89. 23:12:49 Closing Link: ohi[c-98-204-230-47.hsd1.md.comcast.net] (Z:lined (LUL))
  90. 23:13:35    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  91. 23:13:35 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v disTalkSlow
  92. 23:13:36    @hYp � u don't have access to /gline
  93. 23:13:38    +disTalkSlow � we gunna talk real slow
  94. 23:13:38 * Disconnected
  95. 23:13:38 Closing Link: disTalkSlow[ool-18b9f071.dyn.optonline.net] (Z:lined (no reason))
  96. 23:14:26    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  97. 23:14:26 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v hYpnotYk
  98. 23:14:27    +hYpnotYk � o hi
  99. 23:14:28    @hYp � otherwise my script is keepin dem bannd.
  100. 23:14:31    +hYpnotYk � i ur bro
  101. 23:14:35    @hYp ([email protected]) quits (Z:lined (no reason))
  102. 23:14:40    +hYpnotYk � owned
  103. 23:14:48    &Sn00zr � lol
  104. 23:14:50    +hYpnotYk � ya
  105. 23:14:53    +hYpnotYk � 2 much emo
  106. 23:14:56    +Bro__- � lol
  107. 23:15:02    &Sn00zr � did he just zline himself?
  108. 23:15:06    &Sn00zr � or did echo zline him?
  109. 23:15:06    +Bro__- � yes
  110. 23:15:09    &frigid ([email protected]) quits (Quit: Ping Timein)
  111. 23:15:21    +Bro__- � not sure if echo did or he did himself
  112. 23:16:17    &Sn00zr � ryann. * says:
  113. 23:16:17    &Sn00zr � tell fago419
  114. 23:16:17    &Sn00zr � to
  115. 23:16:17    &Sn00zr � remove
  116. 23:16:21    &Sn00zr � lol
  117. 23:16:45    &Sn00zr � echo419 did you see what hyp say?
  118. 23:19:02    hYp ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  119. 23:19:02 &csbot sets mode: +o hYp
  120. 23:19:03 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v hYp
  121. 23:21:23    Tatootian ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  122. 23:21:23 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v Tatootian
  123. 23:21:54 @hYp sets mode: +b *!*ysosrs@*.hsd1.tx.comcast.net
  124. 23:21:54 hYpnotYk was kicked by @hYp (1 2 3 I KICKED JEW -pr0ghetto)
  125. 23:21:54 Unable to join #CS1.6 (you're banned)

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