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Posted by sn00zr rinsd agi on Thursday 22nd January 2009 05:27:42 - Never Expires
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  1. 07:17:52    +mq � srs Sn00zr
  2. 07:17:54    +mq � explain me dis
  3. 07:17:56    +mq � if hyp so gud
  4. 07:17:58    +mq � y he so dum
  5. 07:17:58    +mq � ?
  6. 07:18:06    +mq � http://www.ragebin.com/423
  7. 07:18:07    &Sn00zr � ?
  8. 07:18:07    +mq � explain
  9. 07:18:08    +mq � dis
  10. 07:18:08    +mq � ?
  11. 07:18:10    &Sn00zr � * Added mq!*@* to ignore list
  12. 07:18:11    &Sn00zr � k
  13. 07:18:20 mq is now known as mq520
  14. 07:18:21    +mq520 � http://www.ragebin.com/423
  15. 07:18:22    +mq520 � explain
  16. 07:18:23    +mq520 � ?
  17. 07:18:53    &Sn00zr � lol
  18. 07:18:54    &Sn00zr � obv.
  19. 07:19:01    ~Jimster480 � gnite all
  20. 07:19:43    +mq520 � obv what
  21. 07:19:44    +mq520 � ?
  22. 07:19:50    +mq520 � i waitin 4 ansr
  23. 07:19:50    +mq520 � ?
  24. 07:20:04    &Sn00zr � i dunno why he copied that
  25. 07:20:05    &Sn00zr � ask him
  26. 07:20:09    +mq520 � no u ask
  27. 07:20:13    +mq520 � sinc u lix his dix
  28. 07:20:14    +mq520 � 24/7
  29. 07:20:18    +mq520 � u shud kno betr
  30. 07:20:18    +mq520 � ?
  31. 07:20:19    &Sn00zr � proof?
  32. 07:20:20    &Sn00zr � ya
  33. 07:20:21    &Sn00zr � non
  34. 07:20:24    +mq520 � profo
  35. 07:20:24    +mq520 � rofl
  36. 07:20:25    +mq520 � ask
  37. 07:20:26    +mq520 � anyone
  38. 07:20:27    +mq520 � plz
  39. 07:20:28    +mq520 � ask
  40. 07:20:28    +mq520 � echo
  41. 07:20:32    +mq520 � srs
  42. 07:20:35    &Sn00zr � ?
  43. 07:20:35    +mq520 � its so obv
  44. 07:20:37    &Sn00zr � echo419 not even here
  45. 07:20:38    +mq520 � das u sux his dix
  46. 07:20:39    +mq520 � ya
  47. 07:20:42    +mq520 � ask wen he back
  48. 07:20:42    +mq520 � ?
  49. 07:20:44    +mq520 � we see
  50. 07:20:44    +mq520 � ?
  51. 07:20:50    &Sn00zr � How?
  52. 07:20:53    +mq520 � u tryin 2 copy him
  53. 07:20:54    +mq520 � nd liek
  54. 07:20:56    +mq520 � always around
  55. 07:20:56    +mq520 � askin
  56. 07:20:57    +mq520 � 4
  57. 07:20:57    +mq520 � shit
  58. 07:20:57    +mq520 � ?
  59. 07:20:58    &Sn00zr � copy?
  60. 07:20:59    +mq520 � ya
  61. 07:21:01    +mq520 � ur liek
  62. 07:21:03    +kiLLa ([email protected]) quits (Ping timeout)
  63. 07:21:08    +mq520 � 1st 2 reg on r4ge
  64. 07:21:12 LimitServ sets mode: +l 34
  65. 07:21:12    +mq520 � u has hyp in turn ons
  66. 07:21:13    +mq520 � nd liek
  67. 07:21:21    &Sn00zr � thats a joke obv.
  68. 07:21:22    +mq520 � u always suporting
  69. 07:21:22    +mq520 � him
  70. 07:21:23    &Sn00zr � if you didnt notice.
  71. 07:21:23    +mq520 � anything
  72. 07:21:24    +mq520 � he
  73. 07:21:25    +mq520 � says
  74. 07:21:25    +mq520 � plz
  75. 07:21:31    &Sn00zr � cause its true?
  76. 07:21:31    +mq520 � ya wer jok
  77. 07:21:33    +mq520 � u never jok
  78. 07:21:33    &Sn00zr � especially about you
  79. 07:21:35    +mq520 � rifk
  80. 07:21:37    +mq520 � RIFK
  81. 07:21:39    +mq520 � THATS MOST
  82. 07:21:40    +mq520 � EPIC
  83. 07:21:40    &Sn00zr � being REALLY annoying.
  84. 07:21:41    +mq520 � ASNWER
  85. 07:21:42    +mq520 � ROFL
  86. 07:21:46    +mq520 � 07:21:31 &Sn00zr � cause its true?
  87. 07:21:47    +mq520 � dude
  88. 07:21:48    +mq520 � you just owned
  89. 07:21:49    +mq520 � yourself
  90. 07:21:50    +mq520 � no joke
  91. 07:22:06    &Sn00zr � pzzzzzzzzownd?
  92. 07:22:09    &Sn00zr � rinsd?
  93. 07:22:17    &Sn00zr � let me get a towel.
  94. 07:22:24    +mq520 � rifk
  95. 07:22:25    +mq520 � seriosuly
  96. 07:22:25    +mq520 � dudew
  97. 07:22:35    +mq520 � how is true
  98. 07:22:37    +mq520 � hyp just got
  99. 07:22:38    +mq520 � owned
  100. 07:22:40    +mq520 � and exposed
  101. 07:22:42    +mq520 � about his fakeness
  102. 07:22:46    +mq520 � and you tell me
  103. 07:22:49    +mq520 � that evyerthing he says
  104. 07:22:50    +mq520 � is true
  105. 07:22:50    +mq520 � rofl
  106. 07:22:58    +mq520 � do you realize what are you saying
  107. 07:22:59    +mq520 � at all?
  108. 07:23:07    +mq520 � this is epic
  109. 07:23:14    &Sn00zr � the stuff he saying about YOU is true.
  110. 07:23:16    +mq520 � almost as epic as hyp selfzline
  111. 07:23:16    +mq520 � rifk
  112. 07:23:18    &Sn00zr � i dunno about all that other stuff
  113. 07:23:26    +mq520 � 07:21:23 +mq520 � anything
  114. 07:23:26    +mq520 � 07:21:24 +mq520 � he
  115. 07:23:26    +mq520 � 07:21:25 +mq520 � says
  116. 07:23:26    +mq520 � 07:21:25 +mq520 � plz
  117. 07:23:27    +mq520 � ANYTHING
  118. 07:23:31    +mq520 � YOU SAID IS TRU
  119. 07:23:32    +mq520 � so
  120. 07:23:32    +mq520 � k
  121. 07:23:33    +mq520 � rinsed
  122. 07:23:42    +mq520 � read better next time
  123. 07:23:45    +mq520 � or skool much?
  124. 07:23:49    &Sn00zr � ya k let me get a towel

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