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Posted by xanadu ragd on Monday 9th March 2009 12:06:02 - Never Expires
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  1. 13:43:16    xanadu6666 ([email protected]) joins #cs1.6
  2. 13:43:16 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v xanadu6666
  3. 13:44:35    +xanadu6666 � My hack got disabed (auth failed). Sent mail to jimster 3 days ago but no response yet. Anyone can help?
  4. 13:44:43    +xanadu6666 � *disabled
  5. 13:49:21    @mq521 � ya
  6. 13:49:23    @mq521 � stop leakin
  7. 13:49:24    @mq521 � thx
  8. 13:51:07    +xanadu6666 � It isn't leaked, I've already told jimster my ip is different each time I connect online (isp problem)
  9. 13:51:33    +xanadu6666 � It was disabled previously but I already resolved the issue with jimster when I sent him 6 different screenshot of ip I had
  10. 13:54:56    +xanadu6666 � If you want, you can assign the hack to just 1 steam id.. is fine with me
  11. 13:56:36    @mq521 � das not isp problem
  12. 13:56:37    @mq521 � plz
  13. 13:56:56    +xanadu6666 � Could you elaborate?
  14. 13:57:08    @mq521 � I've already told jimster my ip is different each time I connect online (isp problem)
  15. 13:57:51    +xanadu6666 � Yeap. Some isp changes ip for each user when they connect online. Did you not know?
  16. 13:58:19    @mq521 � @mq521 � das not isp problem
  17. 13:58:51    +xanadu6666 � I think I'll talk to jimster directly seeing how this is going no where
  18. 13:59:12    @mq521 � ya
  19. 13:59:16    @mq521 � need 2 stop leakin
  20. 13:59:17    @mq521 � plz
  21. 13:59:34    @mq521 � screenshots aint a proof
  22. 13:59:54    +xanadu6666 � So what your saying is users whose isp has dynamic ip will never be able to use the hack?
  23. 14:01:08    @mq521 � ja
  24. 14:01:12    @mq521 � security risk
  25. 14:01:28    +xanadu6666 � your cute.
  26. 14:01:43    +xanadu6666 ([email protected]) parts #cs1.6
  27. 14:01:44    @mq521 � no need to state the obvious
  28. 14:01:44    @mq521 � ROFL
  29. 14:01:46    @mq521 � RAGD

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