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Posted by lalala fakeMIT on Tuesday 10th March 2009 13:16:48 - Never Expires
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  1. 13:21:59    +lalala � HEY
  2. 13:22:01    +lalala � does any1 know
  3. 13:22:08    +lalala � the sleep times in vista
  4. 13:22:12    +lalala � for the hacks
  5. 13:25:20    @mq521 � n0
  6. 13:25:59    +lalala � ... wow
  7. 13:26:05    @mq521 � ja
  8. 13:26:49    @mq521 � u figur it urslf
  9. 13:26:56    @mq521 � mr MIT studnt
  10. 13:27:03    +lalala � yeah
  11. 13:27:03    +lalala � so what
  12. 13:27:06    +lalala � that has nothing to do with cheats..
  13. 13:27:08    @mq521 � so use brain
  14. 13:27:10    @mq521 � rofl
  15. 13:27:10    @mq521 � wow
  16. 13:27:12    @mq521 � r u dum
  17. 13:27:13    +lalala � something im completely oblivious about
  18. 13:27:16    @mq521 � so
  19. 13:27:16    @mq521 � ?
  20. 13:27:22    +lalala � yeah im going to guess the right sleep timer
  21. 13:27:26    +lalala � from 1-1000
  22. 13:27:28    @mq521 � ya
  23. 13:27:28    @mq521 � ?
  24. 13:27:29    +lalala � actually
  25. 13:27:30    +lalala � 1-3000
  26. 13:27:38    +lalala � yeah i dont have ALL day
  27. 13:27:44    +lalala � a simple correct answer would be nice
  28. 13:27:45    @mq521 � no need for whole day
  29. 13:27:46    @mq521 � ?
  30. 13:27:55    @mq521 � a simple correct life would be nice
  31. 13:27:55    @mq521 � ?
  32. 13:28:00    +lalala � oh shut up
  33. 13:28:02    @mq521 � u
  34. 13:28:03    @mq521 � ?
  35. 13:28:07    @mq521 � u vry narrow minded
  36. 13:28:08    @mq521 � plz
  37. 13:28:16    +lalala � yeah i am
  38. 13:28:19    +lalala � ur very stupid minded
  39. 13:28:19    @mq521 � u sure u studnt?
  40. 13:28:19    +lalala � plz
  41. 13:28:22    @mq521 � mby u janitor in MIT
  42. 13:28:23    @mq521 � ?
  43. 13:28:26    +lalala � HAHA
  44. 13:28:32    @mq521 � cuz u vry dum
  45. 13:28:35    +lalala � im going to bed
  46. 13:28:35    @mq521 � unbelivbl
  47. 13:28:38    +lalala � ur a idiot
  48. 13:28:39    @mq521 � ya
  49. 13:28:42    @mq521 � cry in a pillow
  50. 13:28:53    @mq521 � gl
  51. 13:28:54    +lalala � yup
  52. 13:29:06    @mq521 � np

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