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Posted by WhatFailCD ragd on Tuesday 10th March 2009 19:51:11 - Never Expires
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  1. A story of how What.CD interviewers sux dix...
  2. In an IRC far, far away...
  3. RAGE.
  5. #what.cd-interview2
  6. Doing the questions...
  7. 20:35:36    @PJ � (Yes or No for each. LABEL YOUR ANSWERS)
  8. 20:36:13    mq521 � 1. yes
  9. 20:36:17    mq521 � 2. no
  10. 20:36:22    mq521 � 3. yes
  11. 20:36:29    mq521 � 4. no
  14. #what.cd-invites
  15. duckiE highlights me
  17. 20:36:24    %duckiE � !next
  18. 20:36:25    %UserBot � The queue is empty.
  19. 20:36:34    %duckiE � oh hi there
  20. 20:36:37    %duckiE � mq521
  21. 20:36:39    %duckiE � and Sn00zr
  22. 20:36:40    %duckiE � lolol
  25. #what.cd-interview2
  26. Questions done...
  28. 20:36:43    mq521 � 5. yes
  29. 20:36:55    mq521 � 6. yes
  30. 20:37:04    mq521 � 7. yes
  31. 20:37:13    mq521 � 8. yes
  32. 20:37:24    mq521 � 9. yes
  33. 20:37:29    mq521 � 10. yes
  34. 20:37:33    mq521 � PJ
  37. #what.cd-invites
  38. Checking who highlighted me and replying...
  40. 20:37:54    +mq521 � wat
  41. 20:37:56    +mq521 � stfu plz
  42. 20:37:57    +mq521 � busy
  43. 20:37:57    +mq521 � ?
  44. 20:38:17    %PJ � mq521: don't talk to duckiE like that
  45. 20:38:26    +mq521 � ya why not
  46. 20:38:40    %duckiE � Because of respect?
  47. 20:38:41    %PJ � because duckiE is an interviewer
  48. 20:38:48    +mq521 � Highlighting while doing interview
  49. 20:38:53    +mq521 � Disturbing
  50. 20:38:55    +mq521 � ty
  51. 20:39:25    %darisk � telling him to stfu
  52. 20:39:29    %darisk � disturbing
  53. 20:39:31    %darisk � ty
  56. #what.cd-interview2
  57. Talking with the interviewer...
  59. 20:39:26    @PJ � when duckiE highlighted you, you weren't answering any questions
  60. 20:39:41    mq521 � yes
  61. 20:39:42    mq521 � what?
  62. 20:39:45    mq521 � was*
  63. 20:39:51    mq521 � But that's not the point.
  64. 20:39:58    mq521 � Let's continue.
  65. 20:40:04    @PJ � no, let's not
  66. 20:40:08    @PJ � This is a problem. But it is a problem that can be fixed!
  67. 20:40:08    @PJ � I want to help.
  68. 20:40:08    @PJ � I regret to inform you that you did not pass this interview. I shall provide you with some links to study, then you are welcome to come back and try the interview process again in 48 hours:
  69. 20:40:09    @PJ � -------------------------------------------------------------
  70. 20:40:09    @PJ � http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Lossy
  71. 20:40:09    @PJ � http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Lossless
  72. 20:40:09    @PJ � http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=LAME
  73. 20:40:10    @PJ � http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=CBR
  74. 20:40:10    @PJ � http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=VBR
  75. 20:40:11    @PJ � and most importantly:
  76. 20:40:11    @PJ � http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Transcoding
  77. 20:40:11    @PJ � http://xs.vc/eac/Spectral/spectral.html
  78. 20:40:12    @PJ � http://whatinterviewprep.webs.com
  79. 20:40:12    @PJ � -------------------------------------------------------------
  80. 20:40:12    @PJ � A lossy file must NEVER be converted to another format and then uploaded to What.cd! You must know what V0 and V2 MP3s are.
  81. 20:40:12    @PJ � Keep this in mind, study the links provided above, consider the guidance given herein and return in 48 hours to try again. Thanks for taking the time to interview.
  82. 20:40:13    @PJ � -------------------------------------------------------------
  83. 20:40:13    @PJ � Please review these materials and come back when you are ready. I know you can do it!
  84. 20:40:13    @PJ � If you plan to inteview again, please remember my name. Your next interviewer will ask for it!
  85. 20:40:14    @PJ � -------------------------------------------------------------
  86. 20:40:14    @PJ � Thank you for intervieweing with me today. I hope to see you back here. :)
  87. 20:40:14    @PJ � If you have any questions feel free to ask. If not, please /part the channel after you have copied the links.
  90. #what.cd-invites
  91. Oh noe, how dis fail happn?
  93. 20:40:14    %PJ � .fail mq521
  94. 20:40:15 %WhatBot sets mode: +b *!*@XX.XX.XX.XX
  95. 20:40:15 mq521 was kicked by %WhatBot ([mq521] You have not passed the interview. Please study the information and links at http://whatinterviewprep.webs.com. Attempts at ban evasion will result in a permanent ban. - Expires on Mar 12, 2009 18:40:16 UTC (T - 1d23h59m59s))
  98. #what.cd-interview2
  99. Curious why the fail...
  101. 20:45:13    mq521 � Um.
  102. 20:45:27    mq521 � I don't see any wrong answers?
  103. 20:45:35    @PJ � that isn't why you failed
  104. 20:45:42    mq521 � Oh.
  105. 20:45:44    @PJ � you can't tell an interviewer to stfu
  106. 20:45:44    mq521 � because of duckie?
  107. 20:45:51    @PJ � yes
  108. 20:45:56    mq521 � Well
  109. 20:45:57    mq521 � You see.
  110. 20:46:13    mq521 � If I can tell you one thing
  111. 20:46:21    mq521 � without you banning me with bias
  112. 20:46:46    mq521 � Is that someone helped duckie do the inteview and he's the interviewer now
  113. 20:46:50    mq521 � That is amazing.
  114. 20:47:10    mq521 � Not gonna even mention that he cheated on first days.
  115. 20:47:17    mq521 � No bias.
  116. 20:47:18    mq521 � Thanks.
  117. 20:47:46    @PJ � well, your account has been permanently banned.
  118. 20:48:00    mq521 � Never would guess what.cd would be so elitist.
  119. 20:48:09 * Disconnected
  120. 20:48:09 �s1.what-network.net� *** You have been banned.
  121. 20:48:09 ERROR Closing link (maqzek@XX) [G-Lined: GTFO]
  124. -Reconnected... for some reason. Gline off?
  126. 20:50:12    � �-�� #what.cd-invites join ��-� �
  127. 20:50:12    � �-�� join end ��-� �
  128. 20:50:18 %WhatBot sets mode: +b *!*@
  129. 20:50:18 mq521 was kicked by %WhatBot ([mq521] You don't tell our interviewers to 'stfu'. Don't come back. - Does not expire.)
  131. ...but not ban isn't off. lul.
  134. This ends the tale of What.CD interviewers suxin dik 24/7, including duckiE.
  136. n3t-t3z, once again, saves the day. Supporting Soviet Union since 1922!

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