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Posted by jim honda rep on Tuesday 10th March 2009 22:51:11 - Never Expires
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  1. 15:23:38    ~Jimster480 � wow
  2. 15:23:40    ~Jimster480 � u always online
  3. 15:23:41    ~Jimster480 � Sn00zr
  4. 15:23:44    ~Jimster480 � u hav lief
  5. 15:23:45    ~Jimster480 � or no
  6. 15:23:45    ~Jimster480 � ?
  7. 15:23:51    ~Jimster480 � or Subaru broke down
  8. 15:23:55    ~Jimster480 � so cant go to work
  9. 15:24:37    @mq521 � 15:14:30 Sn00zr ([email protected]) joins #cs1.6
  10. 15:24:41    @mq521 � u online 2 Jimster480
  11. 15:24:48    @mq521 � honda fell apart
  12. 15:24:48    @mq521 � ?
  13. 15:25:26    ~Jimster480 � no
  14. 15:25:35    ~Jimster480 � i dont have school for 3 more hours
  15. 15:25:52    ~Jimster480 � maqzek prolly online cuz in estonia ever1 sit @ home
  16. 15:25:55    ~Jimster480 � such shit country and al
  17. 15:25:57    ~Jimster480 � nothing to do
  18. 15:25:58    ~Jimster480 � etc
  19. 15:26:05    @mq521 � ya cuz finished school
  20. 15:26:05    @mq521 � ty
  21. 15:26:31    @mq521 � u probly dun hav money 2 buy gas
  22. 15:26:33    @mq521 � for honda
  23. 15:26:39    @mq521 � sinc it gas guzzlr car
  24. 15:31:49    ~Jimster480 � ya rifk
  25. 15:31:52    ~Jimster480 � gas guzzlr
  26. 15:31:57    ~Jimster480 � u dum obvoius
  27. 15:31:59    ~Jimster480 � obvious*
  28. 15:33:08    @mq521 � l2spel
  29. 15:33:09    @mq521 � thx
  30. 15:33:18    @mq521 � nd ya
  31. 15:33:26    @mq521 � u lol @ gas guzzlr
  32. 15:33:28    @mq521 � probly cuz tru
  33. 15:33:43    @mq521 � laff + insult = truth reaction
  34. 15:40:19    ~Jimster480 � no
  35. 15:44:38    � � � +Zinc ...away �bbl �log:�: on.. �pager:�: off.. �gone:�: 9h54m1s.. �Slut-X +4�
  36. 15:46:10    ChrisTX ([email protected]) joins #cs1.6
  37. 15:46:11 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v ChrisTX
  38. 15:47:16    &Sn00zr � lololo
  39. 15:47:18    &Sn00zr � rinsd.
  40. 15:48:09    Python1320 ([email protected]) joins #cs1.6
  41. 15:48:10 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v Python1320
  42. 15:48:20    &Sn00zr � BAAHAHAHAHHAA
  43. 15:48:21    &Sn00zr � 13:28:22 @mq521 � mby u janitor in MIT
  44. 15:48:52    @mq521 � Jimster480
  45. 15:48:54    @mq521 � its k
  46. 15:48:57    @mq521 � you can tell us
  47. 15:49:17    &Sn00zr � lalala is NOT an MIT student.
  48. 15:49:20    &Sn00zr � That work he showed...
  49. 15:49:22    &Sn00zr � is like basic shit.
  50. 15:49:35    &Sn00zr � EZ MODE
  51. 15:51:19    @mq521 � ja
  52. 15:52:21    &Sn00zr � and ANYONE can go MIT website and find school powerpoints and say they are from there.
  53. 15:52:23    &Sn00zr � more EZ MODE
  54. 15:52:39    @mq521 � ya exctly
  55. 15:53:03    @mq521 � I mean MIT is liek almsot rocket science
  56. 15:53:09    @mq521 � yet he cant figure out simple stuff
  57. 15:53:12    @mq521 � or code himself for that matter
  58. 15:53:15    @mq521 � since liek
  59. 15:53:23    @mq521 � 70% coders
  60. 15:53:23    @mq521 � o rwat
  61. 15:53:28    @mq521 � lul
  62. 15:54:22    &Sn00zr � ya he should make hack
  63. 15:54:26    &Sn00zr � 200% better than jimster.
  64. 15:54:45    @mq521 � ya
  65. 15:54:50    @mq521 � he should just make a new CSS client
  66. 15:54:55    @mq521 � with built in hax
  67. 15:55:04    @mq521 � bypass VAC2 validation from clientside
  68. 15:55:08    @mq521 � etc
  69. 15:55:13    &Sn00zr � look i go MIT too
  70. 15:55:14    &Sn00zr � http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/fc97-slides.ppt
  71. 15:55:17    &Sn00zr � thats what im studying
  72. 15:55:19    @mq521 � stop steal
  73. 15:55:19    @mq521 � gkr
  74. 15:55:21    @mq521 � fkr
  75. 15:55:24    @mq521 � das mine
  76. 15:55:37    &Sn00zr � ya you are prof @ MIT
  77. 15:55:40    @mq521 � ya
  78. 15:55:46    @mq521 � Rage Course @ MIT
  79. 15:55:55    &Sn00zr � RAG3450
  80. 15:56:03    @mq521 � Jimster480
  81. 15:56:04    @mq521 � ?
  82. 15:56:06    @mq521 � y no talk
  83. 15:56:06    @mq521 � ?
  84. 15:56:08    @mq521 � fixing honda
  85. 15:56:08    @mq521 � ?
  86. 15:56:49    &Sn00zr � honda is always borked.
  87. 15:57:01    @mq521 � ya das y he barely on IRC
  88. 15:57:10    &Sn00zr � its cause its not use to being so naked
  89. 15:57:13    &Sn00zr � no 12in wing
  90. 15:57:15    &Sn00zr � no euro lights
  91. 15:57:20    &Sn00zr � no chromed out rims
  92. 15:57:30    &Sn00zr � it needs clothes.
  93. 15:57:38    @mq521 � lul
  94. 15:57:43    @mq521 � cardbox
  95. 15:58:02    @mq521 � OG
  96. 15:58:05    @mq521 � Playing: "Sky Radio - Cascada - Holiday" (130kbps - 0 Hz - Mono)
  97. 15:58:06    @mq521 � WOW
  98. 15:58:20    @mq521 � majr fkr
  99. 15:58:23    &Sn00zr � lol
  100. 16:01:58    &Sn00zr � brb coffeee
  101. 16:05:59    ~Jimster480 � Sn00zr
  102. 16:06:00    ~Jimster480 � rifk
  103. 16:06:04    ~Jimster480 � my car has none of that
  104. 16:06:13    ~Jimster480 � i kno ur subaru has 12in wing
  105. 16:06:19    ~Jimster480 � and comes with euro lights standard
  106. 16:06:31    ~Jimster480 � and big like 19" in rims
  107. 16:06:39    ~Jimster480 � comes from the factory riced out pls
  108. 16:07:02    @mq521 � ya
  109. 16:07:05    @mq521 � honda 2 poor
  110. 16:07:05    @mq521 � 2
  111. 16:07:08    @mq521 � afford dat
  112. 16:07:09    @mq521 � sry
  113. 16:07:12    @mq521 � dun be mad
  114. 16:07:13    @mq521 � :(
  115. 16:09:33    ~Jimster480 � um
  116. 16:09:39    ~Jimster480 � those are things that you dont want lol
  117. 16:09:44    ~Jimster480 � its obv that u kno nothing about cars at all
  118. 16:10:22    @mq521 � well sur u dunt want if u cant afford
  119. 16:10:27    @mq521 � nothin is free
  120. 16:10:30    @mq521 � i kno dat
  121. 16:10:45    @mq521 � nd u drive honda
  122. 16:10:49    @mq521 � wat wud u kno bout cars
  123. 16:11:48    ~Jimster480 � i know alot about cars
  124. 16:11:52    ~Jimster480 � unlike som1 like u
  125. 16:11:55    ~Jimster480 � who is like 9
  126. 16:11:57    ~Jimster480 � and doesnt have a car
  127. 16:12:03    ~Jimster480 � and wont be gettign one for like 6 years
  128. 16:13:31    @mq521 � i kno lot more about cars
  129. 16:13:33    @mq521 � unliek u
  130. 16:13:34    @mq521 � who is liek
  131. 16:13:35    @mq521 � 30
  132. 16:13:44    @mq521 � and doesnt have a decent car
  133. 16:13:49    @mq521 � and wont be getting forever
  134. 16:15:38    &Sn00zr � obv Jimster cannot read.
  135. 16:16:18    &Sn00zr � [09:57:12] @Sn00zr : its cause its not use to being so naked
  136. 16:16:18    &Sn00zr � [09:57:15] @Sn00zr : no 12in wing
  137. 16:16:18    &Sn00zr � [09:57:18] @Sn00zr : no euro lights
  138. 16:16:18    &Sn00zr � [09:57:22] @Sn00zr : no chromed out rims
  139. 16:16:19    &Sn00zr � [09:57:32] @Sn00zr : it needs clothes.
  140. 16:16:21    &Sn00zr � feel free to read again.
  141. 16:16:28    &Sn00zr � to better understand the concepts of basic english/.
  142. 16:16:42    @mq521 � he only knows C++
  143. 16:16:45    @mq521 � nothing about english
  144. 16:16:47    @mq521 � so ja
  145. 16:25:51    ~Jimster480 � ya i can read
  146. 16:25:55    ~Jimster480 � ur dumb
  147. 16:26:02    ~Jimster480 � doesnt come naked from the factory
  148. 16:26:03    ~Jimster480 � noob
  149. 16:26:08    ~Jimster480 � but what would u kno
  150. 16:26:10    ~Jimster480 � u bought a subaru
  151. 16:26:11    _spIriT ([email protected]) joins #cs1.6
  152. 16:26:12 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v _spIriT
  153. 16:26:14    ~Jimster480 � u kno nothing about cars lol
  154. 16:26:21    +_spIriT ([email protected]) quits (Quit: _spIriT)
  155. 16:26:33    ~Jimster480 � i expect dumb comments comming from a subaru owner
  156. 16:26:34    ~Jimster480 � etc
  157. 16:26:39    ~Jimster480 � now ill bbl
  158. 16:28:13    &Sn00zr � incrdbl dum.
  159. 16:28:20    &Sn00zr � still donesn't understand.

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