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Posted by jim narowminded on Tuesday 17th March 2009 01:19:04 - Never Expires
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  1. 03:15:00    ~Jimster480 � [21:08] <&Sn00zr> lol
  2. 03:15:00    ~Jimster480 � [21:08] <@mq521> jim majr dum
  3. 03:15:00    ~Jimster480 � [21:08] <&Sn00zr> finance my mini 9 for 13/month
  4. 03:15:00    ~Jimster480 � [21:08] <@mq521> he only knows C++
  5. 03:15:00    ~Jimster480 � [21:08] <@mq521> das it
  6. 03:15:00    ~Jimster480 � [21:08] <&Sn00zr> i think good esl
  7. 03:15:02    ~Jimster480 � WTF
  8. 03:15:03    ~Jimster480 � WTF
  9. 03:15:03    ~Jimster480 � WTF
  10. 03:15:04    ~Jimster480 � WTF
  11. 03:15:04    ~Jimster480 � WTF
  12. 03:15:07    ~Jimster480 � Pls tell me
  13. 03:15:09    ~Jimster480 � ur not talking about
  14. 03:15:11    ~Jimster480 � a car
  15. 03:15:16    @mq521 � ROFL
  16. 03:15:17    @mq521 � R U DUM
  17. 03:15:18    +tatootian � ROFL
  18. 03:15:18    +tatootian � WOW
  19. 03:15:21    +tatootian � JIMSTR
  20. 03:15:21    +tatootian � UR DUM
  21. 03:15:21    +tatootian � TY
  22. 03:15:21    &Sn00zr � LOOL
  23. 03:15:22    @mq521 � LOL
  24. 03:15:24    ~Jimster480 � cuz ya
  25. 03:15:26    &Sn00zr � ya i buy mini soon
  26. 03:15:27    @mq521 � cuz UR DUM
  27. 03:15:28    @mq521 � PLS
  28. 03:15:29    +tatootian � yo
  29. 03:15:29    ~Jimster480 � Mini makes cars
  30. 03:15:29    +tatootian � mq521
  31. 03:15:30    +tatootian � @
  32. 03:15:30    +tatootian � ty
  33. 03:15:32    @mq521 � Jimster480
  34. 03:15:33    @mq521 � stfu
  35. 03:15:33    @mq521 � pls
  36. 03:15:34    +CheatBot � nou stfu or ddos
  37. 03:15:36    @mq521 � u ned mor intraweb
  38. 03:15:36    ~Jimster480 � and mini's = super gay
  39. 03:15:37    @mq521 � guides
  40. 03:15:38    ~Jimster480 � and mini's = super gay
  41. 03:15:38    ~Jimster480 � and mini's = super gay
  42. 03:15:39    ~Jimster480 � and mini's = super gay
  43. 03:15:39    ~Jimster480 � and mini's = super gay
  44. 03:15:43    +tatootian � ur
  45. 03:15:43    @mq521 � U NED MOR ITNRAWEB GUIDES
  46. 03:15:44    @mq521 � OK
  47. 03:15:45    +tatootian � u wun usb overhet
  48. 03:15:45    +tatootian � ?
  49. 03:15:45    @mq521 � TY
  50. 03:15:47    @mq521 � ya pls
  51. 03:15:52    &Sn00zr � i think VTEC lowering jims IQ by 50% / day
  52. 03:15:54    @mq521 � he marj m
  53. 03:15:55    @mq521 � ya
  54. 03:15:56    @mq521 � Sn00zr
  55. 03:15:57    @mq521 � agreed
  56. 03:16:00    +tatootian � olol
  57. 03:16:25    &Sn00zr � soon he will be drueling all over keyboard and bashing it with his head.
  58. 03:16:31    &Sn00zr � Just gonna seee asdlkjglkjsflgkjbfsdblkj dfhkjsdblkj ds
  59. 03:16:38    @mq521 � ya almsot alrdy doin dat
  60. 03:16:46    ~Jimster480 � Sn00zr
  61. 03:16:48    @mq521 � it calld C++

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