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Posted by farzad wat on Monday 23rd March 2009 23:21:02 - Never Expires
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  1. Farzad - says:
  2.  i heard to hacked facebook
  3.  and blamed me
  5. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] just sent you a nudge.
  7. tatootian says:
  8.  ?
  9. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  10.  who are u?
  11. tatootian says:
  12.  tatootian lol
  13. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  14.  who is tatootian?
  15. tatootian says:
  16.  dunno
  17.  :S
  18.  Farzad - says:
  19.  i heard to hacked facebook
  20.  and blamed me
  22.  wat dis
  23. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  24.  someppl said u said I hacked eric's facebook in your site
  25. tatootian says:
  26.  ?
  27.  lol?
  28.  eric who
  29. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  30.  kim
  31. tatootian says:
  32.  nah m8
  33. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  34.  with your proxy
  35. tatootian says:
  36.  you're too nub 2 hack
  37.  RIFK
  38. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  39.  and they I saw the list of the pished facebooks
  40. tatootian says:
  41.  not phished
  42.  RIfk
  43.  r u dum
  44.  ya ur
  45. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  46.  with your fucking proxy
  47. tatootian says:
  48.  wtf is a proxy
  49.  :S
  50. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  51.  well guess that's not pished
  52. tatootian says:
  53.  RIfk
  54. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  55.  i know u have a proxy
  56.  lol
  57. tatootian says:
  58.  you can't phish with proxies rofl
  59.  only if you can redirect traffic
  60.  so if they visit site, redirect to another site
  61.  encode url
  62.  etc
  63. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  64.  idc
  65. tatootian says:
  66.  ya
  67. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  68.  u know how to hack steam?
  69. tatootian says:
  70.  don't say anytihng about phishing
  71.  RIFK
  72.  you can't hack steam fyi
  73. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  74.  phish I mean...
  75. tatootian says:
  76.  lol
  77.  i use to do the Steam Automated Verification service...
  78.  people always fell for it
  79. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  80.  lol right now I have over 1000 steam accounts
  81.  used some phishing program
  82. tatootian says:
  83.  and i have a shitload of ccs?
  84.  :S
  85. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  86.  yep
  87. tatootian says:
  88.  lol don't believe?
  89. tatootian said (6:59 PM):
  90.  anyway ye
  91.  CROFL
  92. tatootian said (7:00 PM):
  93.  you go offline or block me
  94.  gg
  95.  pussy
  96. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  97.  offline
  98.  science test tomorrow
  99. tatootian says:
  100.  RIfk
  101.  phishing is lame
  102.  botnet ftw
  103. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  104.  join this site crackingforum.com
  105. tatootian says:
  106.  sucks
  107.  RIFK
  108.  this your site or somehting?
  109. [b][c=57]Farzad -[/c][/b] says:
  110.  no
  111. tatootian says:
  112.  aww only xss vuls for that version of vb
  113.  :[

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