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Posted by styles frigid ra on Tuesday 9th December 2008 06:38:56 - Never Expires
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  1. 08:27:50    @Styles � frigid,
  2. 08:27:51    @Styles � frigid, hai
  3. 08:28:09    &frigid � Permission Denied- You do not have the correct IRC operator privileges
  4. 08:28:12    &frigid � bro honestly
  5. 08:28:13    &frigid � im so raged
  6. 08:28:37    @Styles � :(
  7. 08:28:38    @Styles � why
  8. 08:28:39    @Styles � lol
  9. 08:28:51    &frigid � Hes not even in here :P
  10. 08:28:54    &frigid � what the fuck
  11. 08:28:56    @Styles � i know
  12. 08:28:57    &frigid � where is HE
  13. 08:29:06    @Styles � <bot> xalphox was last seen online 2 days, 1 hour, 32 minutes ago.
  14. 08:29:11    @Styles � He is some fag
  15. 08:29:11    @Styles � srs
  16. 08:29:14 * Disconnected
  17. 08:29:14 * You were killed by frigid (tehgeekz.info!frigid (<Styles> Frigid why are u all cool w/ everyone | <Styles> u are like... oper on 0v1 and shit | <Styles> g/zline xalphox))
  18. 08:29:55 * Attempting to rejoin channel #cs1.6
  19. 08:29:55    � �-�� #cs1.6 join ��-� �
  20. 08:29:57    %mq520 � ragd much
  21. 08:29:57    %mq520 � ?
  22. 08:29:58 * Disconnected
  23. 08:29:58 * You were killed by frigid (tehgeekz.info!frigid (<Styles> Frigid why are u all cool w/ everyone | <Styles> u are like... oper on 0v1 and shit | <Styles> g/zline xalphox))
  24. 08:30:20 * Attempting to rejoin channel #cs1.6
  25. 08:30:20    � �-�� #cs1.6 join ��-� �
  26. 08:30:21    %mq520 � QQ
  27. 08:30:23    %mq520 � QQ
  28. 08:30:23    %mq520 � QQ
  29. 08:30:24    @Styles � https://www.freesteam.org/Echo419/cgip/nph-Echo419.pl/000010A/http/forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php=3ft=3d81638
  30. 08:30:55 * Disconnected
  31. 08:30:55 * You were killed by frigid (tehgeekz.info!frigid (<Styles> I'm raged frigid lol ban mq :D | its not me mq520 its him im infected with styles))
  32. 08:31:25 * Attempting to rejoin channel #cs1.6
  33. 08:31:25    � �-�� #cs1.6 join ��-� �
  34. 08:31:26    %mq520 � QQ
  35. 08:31:27    %mq520 � QQ
  36. 08:31:27    %mq520 � QQ
  37. 08:31:30    %mq520 � Styles QQ
  38. 08:31:30    %mq520 � Styles QQ
  39. 08:31:30    %mq520 � Styles QQ
  40. 08:32:31 * Disconnected
  41. 08:32:31 * You were killed by frigid (tehgeekz.info!frigid (<Styles> mq520 is such a bitch bro he makes me want to put my music library on iTunes in a sock and beat him with them when hes asleep))

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