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Posted by lol bezgil on Sunday 29th March 2009 03:33:13 - Never Expires
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  1. Գ เ ℓ>]> says:
  2.  are you wire sharking me?
  3. tatootian says:
  4.  wtf is wireshark
  5. Գ เ ℓ>]> says:
  6.  are oyu doing something to my comp?
  7.  with my ip?
  8.  cus everything iss slooww
  9.  are you sure you didn't do anything with my ip?
  10. tatootian said (10:16 PM):
  11.    �
  12. tatootian says:
  13.  what
  14. Գ เ ℓ>]> says:
  15.  what were you going to do with my ip?
  16. tatootian says:
  17.  nothing
  18. Գ เ ℓ>]> says:
  19.  then why'd you ask for it?
  20.  my comp is fked up now
  21.  it's probably you
  22. tatootian says:
  23.  wow
  24.  so you automatically blame it on me�
  25.  ok
  26. Գ เ ℓ>]> says:
  27.  what comes after asking for ip
  28.  not saying it's you , it's likely to be you
  29. tatootian says:
  30.  ok
  31.  bye
  32. Գ เ ℓ>]> says:
  33.  k
  34. tatootian said (10:19 PM):
  35.  rofl
  37. -----------------------------------
  38. His brother messages me right after he goes offline or blocks me...
  39. -----------------------------------
  41. Baz says:
  42.  why did you attempt to wire shark me the other day
  43.  why
  44. tatootian says:
  45.  do you even know what wireshark is�
  46.  ROFL
  47. Baz says:
  48.  i have no idea
  49. tatootian says:
  50.  ok
  51.  then dont make accusations
  52. Baz says:
  53.  no im serious
  54.  why were you asking for my ip
  55.  i know this is all conencted
  56.  and this was the other day
  57.  a long time
  58. tatootian says:
  59.  tatootian says:
  60.  do you even know what wireshark is�
  61.  ROFL
  62. Baz says:
  63.  i have no idea
  64. tatootian says:
  65.  ok
  66.  then dont make accusations
  68. Baz says:
  69.  ok then why were you asking for my ip
  70.  for what reason
  71. tatootian says:
  72.  because you like dick
  73.  �
  74. Baz says:
  75.  um ok
  76.  my dad is like really
  77.  really pissed
  78.  and so am i
  79.  my internet is like pretty
  80.  darn slow
  81. tatootian says:
  82.  lol..
  83.  so you automatically blame on me
  84.  ok
  85. Baz says:
  86.  can't even go on the internet for project
  87. tatootian says:
  88.  cool
  89. Baz says:
  90.  thats what you said to gil
  91. tatootian says:
  92.  ya
  93.  so��
  94. Baz says:
  95.  so then why is my internet like retarded
  96.  it gone dick on mr
  97. tatootian says:
  98.  how the fuck do i know
  99. Baz says:
  100.  well yeah you the fck know
  101. tatootian says:
  102.  ok
  103. Baz says:
  104.  gil gave you our ip
  105. tatootian says:
  106.  you want to say to face on monday�
  107.  lol
  108. Baz says:
  109.  yeah sure
  110. tatootian says:
  111.  k
  112. Baz says:
  113.  but i really need to get a fast internet working
  114.  right now
  115.  for my project
  116.  so whatever the chances of
  117. tatootian says:
  118.  ok ill tell my friend to keep wire sharking you
  119. Baz says:
  120.  what -.-
  121.  wow why
  122.  why are you a dick
  123. tatootian says:
  124.  ROFL
  125.  you clearly dont know what wireshark is
  126.  wireshark is for viewing packets
  127. Baz says:
  128.  of course not
  129.  and then..
  130. tatootian says:
  131.  not sending packets
  132. Baz says:
  133.  you fck em ova
  134. tatootian says:
  135.  how the FUCK
  136.  ROFL
  137. Baz says:
  138.  lol how do i know what you're saying is true
  139. tatootian says:
  140.  google it�
  141.  http://www.wireshark.org/
  142. Baz says:
  143.  a free packet sniffer computer application
  144. tatootian says:
  145.  Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer, and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard
  147. across many industries and educational institutions.
  149. Wireshark development thrives thanks to the contributions of networking experts across the globe. It is the
  151. continuation of a project that started in 1998.
  152.  ya so
  153.  �
  154.  packet sniffer != packet sender
  155. Baz says:
  156.  yeah so whats the good of your friend wire sharkign me?
  157.  yeah right
  158.  packet sender
  159.  you're fcking it over
  160. tatootian says:
  161.  ROFL
  162.  you clearly cant read shit
  163.  http://www.wireshark.org/about.html
  164.  k
  165.  read
  166. Baz says:
  167.  well why are you telling your friend to wire shark me
  168. tatootian says:
  169.  you cant wireshark someone
  170.  rofl
  171. Baz says:
  172.  clearly it's a fcked up program
  173. tatootian says:
  174.  no...
  175.  wireshark is to view packets
  176.  on a local connection
  177. Baz says:
  178.  well why would you wanna view packets >>
  179. tatootian says:
  180.  um...
  181.  to view data of packets�
  182.  to see what programs are sending
  183. Baz says:
  184.  why would you wanna do that ._.
  185. tatootian says:
  186.  if you want to bypass a trial
  187.  etc...
  188. Baz says:
  189.  bypass a trial =.=
  190. tatootian says:
  191.  spoof a authentication page...
  192. Baz says:
  193.  spoof -.-
  194. tatootian says:
  195.  ya
  196.  �
  197. Baz says:
  198.  thats bad ._.
  199. tatootian says:
  200.  no�
  201. Baz says:
  202.  why make fun of it ._.
  203. tatootian says:
  204.  make fun of what
  205. Baz says:
  206.  nvm
  207.  spoof sounded like make fun of
  208.  ok so then why would you want your friend to keep wiresharking us
  209. tatootian says:
  210.  wow
  211.  have you not read anything
  212. Baz says:
  213.  um can you answer the question
  214. tatootian says:
  215.  um can you be less stupid�
  216.  ty
  217.  you cannot wireshark a REMOTE connection
  218. Baz says:
  219.  i think you're just saying
  220.  nvm ill just end this discussion
  221. tatootian says:
  222.  ok whatever
  223.  rofl
  224. Baz says:
  225.  seeing it's pointless
  226.  sigh
  227.  k thanks for your help
  228. tatootian says:
  229.  k let the wiresharking commence

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