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Posted by jason ragd on Thursday 2nd April 2009 20:40:59 - Never Expires
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  1. 21:57:59    +Jason � Heading off now, love you mq521
  2. 21:58:02    @mq521 � ya
  3. 21:58:06    @mq521 � luv u 2 hony
  4. 21:58:07    RI ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  5. 21:58:07 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v RI
  6. 21:58:08    @mq521 � hop u die
  7. 21:58:09    +Jason � but I remain unconvinced of your supposed hacking skills.
  8. 21:58:09    @mq521 � ?
  9. 21:58:11    +Jason � Cya.
  10. 21:58:13    @mq521 � np
  11. 21:58:17 LimitServ sets mode: +l 41
  12. 21:58:22    +Jason � Not cool..
  13. 21:58:23    +Jason � :(
  14. 21:58:25    @mq521 � ya i kno
  15. 21:58:29    @mq521 � dat is life
  16. 21:58:42    @mq521 � in wich u dun belong
  17. 21:58:43    @mq521 � etc
  18. 21:59:04    +Jason � I do too
  19. 21:59:05    +Jason � Silly goose
  20. 21:59:13    &Echo419 � wow nice insult
  21. 21:59:15    &Echo419 � got any more?
  22. 21:59:16    @mq521 � y insult urslf?
  23. 21:59:36    @mq521 � i get all
  24. 21:59:42    @mq521 � but sinc wen sailors = goose
  25. 21:59:42    @mq521 � ?
  26. 21:59:52    +Jason � You guys are too epic for me.
  27. 21:59:58    @mq521 � yo
  28. 21:59:59    @mq521 � wait
  29. 22:00:00    @mq521 � fix dis
  30. 22:00:02    @mq521 � "guest"
  31. 22:00:03    @mq521 � thing
  32. 22:00:05    @mq521 � i need it 2 work
  33. 22:00:06    @mq521 � ??????
  34. 22:00:52    +Jason � No deal
  35. 22:00:58    +Jason � Lark is the big RDP hacker
  36. 22:00:59    +Jason � up in this bitch
  37. 22:01:21    @mq521 � ya but
  38. 22:01:21 Jason/[email protected] opened a query with you: Hi buddy
  39. 22:01:24    @mq521 � rnt u?
  40. 22:01:31    @mq521 � lark kinda busy
  41. 22:01:50    +Jason � No, I'm not any kind of hacker.
  42. 22:01:56    @mq521 � y not
  43. 22:02:11    +Jason � Being a hacker doesn't get you any pussy.
  44. 22:02:18    @mq521 � ya dus
  45. 22:02:19    @mq521 � ?
  46. 22:02:24    &Echo419 � and navy does?
  47. 22:02:27    &Echo419 � i guess you get more ockc
  48. 22:02:28    +Jason � Nope, doesn't.
  49. 22:02:30    @mq521 � aprntly port whores
  50. 22:02:31    &Echo419 � ya k
  51. 22:02:31    @mq521 � ?
  52. 22:02:36    @mq521 � das it
  53. 22:03:21    +Jason � No, we have almost equal numbers of women in the Navy
  54. 22:03:23    +Jason � who are all gagging for it.
  55. 22:03:31    @mq521 � orly
  56. 22:03:34    @mq521 � prof?
  57. 22:03:35    +jigg0 ([email protected]) quits (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  58. 22:03:37 LimitServ sets mode: +l 40
  59. 22:03:49    &Echo419 � vids or it never happened
  60. 22:04:09    +Jason � No, that's illegal..
  61. 22:04:10    jigg0 ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  62. 22:04:10    +leetality � someone in the navy would actually be out in the world.. making capable of meeting women.
  63. 22:04:10 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v jigg0
  64. 22:04:14    +Jason � + I'd get fired.
  65. 22:04:21    +leetality � whereas hackers sit in a room stroknig a keyboard lolol.
  66. 22:04:37 LimitServ sets mode: +l 41
  67. 22:04:43    &Echo419 � ya so why u in cs ahcking chan guiz?
  68. 22:04:44    +Jason � Indeed, like you lot.
  69. 22:04:56    +leetality � i have to be a hacker to idle?
  70. 22:04:57    @mq521 � leetality
  71. 22:04:58    @mq521 � wel
  72. 22:04:59    @mq521 � u c
  73. 22:05:02    +Jason � Karl asked me to join.
  74. 22:05:04    @mq521 � i has pp time
  75. 22:05:08    +Jason � Begged, almost
  76. 22:05:09    @mq521 � and i card women
  77. 22:05:10    @mq521 � from intraweb
  78. 22:05:10    @mq521 � ?
  79. 22:05:15    @mq521 � u no
  80. 22:05:15    @mq521 � ?
  81. 22:05:17    &Echo419 � no begging plz
  82. 22:05:20    +leetality � no i dont.
  83. 22:05:21    @mq521 � i can haz 3 a time
  84. 22:05:32    &Echo419 � ya and i can has over 9000
  85. 22:05:38    @mq521 � ya omg
  86. 22:05:40    @mq521 � u has mor cards
  87. 22:05:41    @mq521 � fkr
  88. 22:05:42    @mq521 � not fair
  89. 22:05:43    &Echo419 � ya
  90. 22:05:44    &Echo419 � surly
  91. 22:05:51    +Jason � I'm getting circumcised this afternoon, should be fun.
  92. 22:05:56    &Echo419 � gdgd
  93. 22:05:59    &Echo419 � enjoy extra inch
  94. 22:06:02    &Echo419 � ish
  95. 22:06:12    +Jason � I hope to.
  96. 22:07:28    Satanas ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  97. 22:07:28 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v Satanas
  98. 22:07:37    +nastyy ([email protected]) quits (Ping timeout)
  99. 22:08:32    +Jason � Anyone want my foreskin?
  100. 22:08:45    &Sn00zr ([email protected]) quits (Quit: time to go home.)
  101. 22:08:45    &Echo419 � ya bacon plz
  102. 22:08:57 LimitServ sets mode: +l 40
  103. 22:09:36    +Jason � Have a good day Echo419
  104. 22:09:51    &Echo419 � u 2
  105. 22:10:03    +Jason � Are you circumcised?
  106. 22:10:05    &Echo419 � no
  107. 22:10:13    +Jason � oh..
  108. 22:10:16    +Jason � Gross
  109. 22:10:21    &Echo419 � how so?
  110. 22:10:21    +Jason � but watevs
  111. 22:10:24    +Jason � Bye guyses
  112. 22:10:25    +leetality � lol.
  113. 22:10:29    &Echo419 � k
  114. 22:10:30    &Echo419 � bai2u
  115. 22:10:37    +Jason � Smegma
  116. 22:10:37    +Jason � STDs
  117. 22:10:38    +Jason � gross
  118. 22:10:38    +Jason � th
  119. 22:10:39    +Jason � x
  120. 22:10:43    &Echo419 � neg
  121. 22:10:55    +leetality � dont recall foreskin causing stds.
  122. 22:11:34    +Jason � Yep,
  123. 22:11:39    +Jason � Higher risks of STDs
  124. 22:11:49    +leetality � lol.
  125. 22:11:56    +leetality � ever heard of a condom.
  126. 22:12:02    +leetality � or not fucking infected vaginas.
  127. 22:12:10    nastyy ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  128. 22:12:11 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v nastyy
  129. 22:12:27 LimitServ sets mode: +l 41
  130. 22:12:28    +Jason � Yeah, cause you know everybody's medical history
  131. 22:12:30    +Jason � dipshit
  132. 22:12:32    +Jason � stfu
  133. 22:12:33    +CheatBot � nou stfu or ddos
  134. 22:12:44    +leetality � dont fuck with someone if they arent clean, dipshit.
  135. 22:12:57    +leetality � you catch something thats your fault.
  136. 22:13:07    +leetality � not the foreskin.
  137. 22:13:09    +Jason � No you shut the fuck up
  138. 22:13:14    +leetality � go wave some flags.
  139. 22:13:22    +Jason � You can't tell if someone is clean or not
  140. 22:13:30    &Echo419 � ya
  141. 22:13:32    +Jason � Foreskin increases risk
  142. 22:13:33    &Echo419 � clinics plz
  143. 22:13:34    &Echo419 � etc..
  144. 22:13:35    +leetality � never said you could, condom, duh.
  145. 22:13:36    +Jason � enjoy your HIV
  146. 22:13:37    +Jason � foreskin fag
  147. 22:13:42    +leetality � im circumsized moron.
  148. 22:13:44    @silent � ?
  149. 22:13:48    +Jason � Mm smegma
  150. 22:13:58    +leetality � smegma isnt harmful and actually provides lubrication.
  151. 22:14:09    +leetality � circumsized penis' can cause friction equaling pain.
  152. 22:14:12    +leetality � do your research.
  153. 22:14:20    +leetality � ignorant baboon.
  154. 22:14:23    +Jason � No, it stinks and is disgusting
  155. 22:14:26    +Jason � No decent girl will fuck a guy with smegma.
  156. 22:14:29    +leetality � take a bath.
  157. 22:14:42    +Jason � Yes, they probably will fuck you
  158. 22:14:45    +Jason � but not decent girls
  159. 22:14:53    +Jason � You're the one defending it
  160. 22:14:57    +Jason � dumbass
  161. 22:15:02    +Jason � Cut it off, it's unnecessary
  162. 22:15:12    &Echo419 � but still good and natural plz
  163. 22:15:12    +Jason � Unless you enjoy your dog dick
  164. 22:15:17    &Echo419 � and yeah risk is not much less
  165. 22:15:20    &Echo419 � like 1% plz
  166. 22:15:28    +leetality � because your points prove nothing.
  167. 22:15:58    +Jason � No, it's shown to be as high as 50% increased risk
  168. 22:16:01    +Jason � if you have a disgusting foreskin
  169. 22:16:16    &Echo419 � ya not our fault if some ppl are dirty plz
  170. 22:16:19    +leetality � sure, when you catch soemthing im sure you can run aorund saying MY FORESKIN DID IT
  171. 22:16:36    +leetality � no, you did it for being irrespoible with your own health.
  172. 22:17:07    +Jason � Even a clean foreskin is increased risk.
  173. 22:17:09    +leetality � getting circumsized doesnt make you immune to stds, you can still catch them just as easily.
  174. 22:17:17    &Echo419 � but a clean one is not much higer
  175. 22:17:19    +Jason � If you have sex with a clean looking girl, you will get HIV and die.
  176. 22:17:26    &Echo419 � ya prof?
  177. 22:17:44    +Jason � Yes it is.
  178. 22:18:00    &Echo419 � still waitin for prof
  179. 22:18:00    +leetality � and what exactly are the statistics for people that didnt catch a std/hiv from someone with it, circumsized or not.
  180. 22:18:02    +Jason � The results showed that circumcision reduced vaginal-to-penile transmission of HIV by 60%, 53%, and 51%, respectively.
  181. 22:18:34    +leetality � that's pretty rare to have intercourse and come out clean, but its not your foreskins fault when you catch it.
  182. 22:18:53    +leetality � use a condom or dont have sex at all. there's always a risk when you choose to have unprotected sex.
  183. 22:18:58    +Jason � It increases the risk
  184. 22:19:08    &Echo419 � but not drastically for the avg human
  185. 22:19:09    +Jason � Circumcision also means you can go weeks without bathing
  186. 22:19:10    +Jason � and still not smell
  187. 22:19:11    +Jason � you Eurofags smell like smegma after like an hour
  188. 22:19:12    +Jason � of showering
  189. 22:19:17    &Echo419 � ya
  190. 22:19:18    &Echo419 � funny
  191. 22:19:21    &Echo419 � he's not eurofag
  192. 22:19:34    +leetality � there are many americans uncircumsized.
  193. 22:19:41    &Echo419 � 4/5 are though
  194. 22:19:41    &Echo419 � so ya
  195. 22:19:51    +Jason � More are circumcised.
  196. 22:20:08    +Jason � Because we're clever.
  197. 22:20:10    @mq521 � ya i like how he sez i racist, but den sez euro r fags
  198. 22:20:11    @mq521 � ?
  199. 22:20:13    @mq521 � hypocrit or wat
  200. 22:20:15    +leetality � clevert?
  201. 22:20:20    +leetality � the jews came up with the idea.
  202. 22:20:40    +leetality � in an attempt to prevent masterbation.
  203. 22:20:41    +Jason � Euro isn't a race.
  204. 22:20:50    +Jason � Yes, but we used it for better reasons.
  205. 22:20:54    +leetality � you're right, its a continent and you just claled everyone in it a fag.
  206. 22:21:03    @mq521 � Jason
  207. 22:21:04    @mq521 � ya is
  208. 22:21:06    @mq521 � u dum
  209. 22:21:06    @mq521 � ?
  210. 22:21:06    +Jason � Not racist.
  211. 22:21:13    +leetality � yet again, you wouldnt do it to their face.
  212. 22:21:18    @mq521 � indeed
  213. 22:21:19    &Echo419 � xonsidering we made america and uas etc..
  214. 22:21:20    &Echo419 � ya
  215. 22:21:26    @mq521 � and AU
  216. 22:21:27    +leetality � cuz u is safe bhin monitur
  217. 22:21:31    @mq521 � srs
  218. 22:21:33    +Jason � I would and have.
  219. 22:21:37    +leetality � mhm.
  220. 22:21:50    +Jason � Nope, you didn't.
  221. 22:22:00    +Jason � First settlers didn't do shit, the country was carved by their countrymen.
  222. 22:22:01    +leetality � you serious?
  223. 22:22:08    @mq521 � ya ok
  224. 22:22:10    &Echo419 � ya
  225. 22:22:15    &Echo419 � so where did the whites come from
  226. 22:22:18    +leetality � unless you're indian, you're ancestors were europeon.
  227. 22:22:22    @mq521 � didnt know govt is native
  228. 22:22:25    @mq521 � thx 4 info
  229. 22:22:37    +Jason � Correct, what is your point?
  230. 22:22:45    @mq521 � duno
  231. 22:22:47    @mq521 � wats ur?
  232. 22:22:52    @mq521 � u contraadict urslf
  233. 22:22:52    @mq521 � ?
  234. 22:22:59    +Jason � They provided the first settlers who became Americans and Australians.
  235. 22:23:01    @mq521 � dum kis is dum
  236. 22:23:04    @mq521 � kid*
  237. 22:23:05    +Jason � Nothing more.
  238. 22:23:07    +leetality � you sya eurofags when thats probably where you're from.
  239. 22:23:16    @mq521 � probably?
  240. 22:23:18    @mq521 � not
  241. 22:23:22    @mq521 � certainly.
  242. 22:23:23    @mq521 � yes.
  243. 22:23:34    +Jason � No, I am Australian.
  244. 22:23:37    @mq521 � ya
  245. 22:23:40    +Jason � I was born here.
  246. 22:23:43    @mq521 � so
  247. 22:23:43    +leetality � lol.
  248. 22:23:43    @mq521 � ?
  249. 22:23:44    @mq521 � wow
  250. 22:23:45    @mq521 � rofl
  251. 22:23:53    @mq521 � very dum kid is very dum
  252. 22:24:18    +leetality � unless you're aboriginal.. you shouldnt say 'im australian'
  253. 22:24:24    @mq521 � no I mean he can
  254. 22:24:26    @mq521 � but hes not native
  255. 22:24:26    @mq521 � pls
  256. 22:24:30    +leetality � cause aussie is filled with all kinds of races now.
  257. 22:24:33    +Jason � Regardless of ancestory.
  258. 22:24:38    @mq521 � u dum
  259. 22:24:49    +Jason � It makes no difference, it did not shape who I am today.
  260. 22:24:50    +Jason � Australia did.
  261. 22:24:54    @mq521 � no
  262. 22:24:54    @mq521 � ?
  263. 22:24:56    +jigg0 ([email protected]) quits (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  264. 22:24:58 LimitServ sets mode: +l 40
  265. 22:24:59    +leetality � you dont evne live there.
  266. 22:25:06    @mq521 � dats like saying der no races
  267. 22:25:19    @mq521 � because in de first place der was monkeys/adam and eve
  268. 22:25:22    +leetality � everything shapes who you are.
  269. 22:25:34    @mq521 � pls
  270. 22:25:39    @mq521 � wer races com from
  271. 22:25:41    @mq521 � any1 kno???????????
  272. 22:25:48    @mq521 � wat raec am i??????
  273. 22:25:51    @mq521 � i born on earth
  274. 22:25:52    @mq521 � ?????
  275. 22:26:08    +Jason � Yes, I can, we built this country.
  276. 22:26:10    +Jason � So why can't I?
  277. 22:26:10    +Jason � :)
  278. 22:26:16    +Jason � I am Australian, not European.
  279. 22:26:21    @mq521 � so
  280. 22:26:22    @mq521 � ?
  281. 22:26:24    &Echo419 � aha
  282. 22:26:30    &Echo419 � chekc who built it carefully
  283. 22:26:30    +Jason � I know it's hard coming to terms with your irrelevance in a modern world, but try to cope.
  284. 22:26:40    @mq521 � no ned 2 cope
  285. 22:26:44    +Jason � Yes, not Europeans.
  286. 22:26:44    @mq521 � wen u dun make sens
  287. 22:26:44    @mq521 � ?
  288. 22:26:47    +Jason � White Australians.
  289. 22:26:49    @mq521 � ya euro
  290. 22:26:50    @mq521 � no
  291. 22:26:50    @mq521 � ?
  292. 22:26:51    +Jason � They weren't born in Europe,
  293. 22:26:57    +Jason � Not Europeans.
  294. 22:26:57    @mq521 � u dum
  295. 22:26:57    @mq521 � ?
  296. 22:26:58    @mq521 � ya euro
  297. 22:27:03    &Echo419 � born in britain transported criminals
  298. 22:27:06    +leetality � and they arent native aussies either.
  299. 22:27:07    @mq521 � exctly
  300. 22:27:07    &Echo419 � thats hwo your countyr is based
  301. 22:27:08    &Echo419 � plz
  302. 22:27:16    +Jason � No, they didn't build anything apart from prison colonies.
  303. 22:27:20    @mq521 � ya
  304. 22:27:24    @mq521 � sur
  305. 22:27:24    @mq521 � ?
  306. 22:27:27    @mq521 � sux @ history
  307. 22:27:27    @mq521 � ?
  308. 22:27:30    &Echo419 � even so prison break plz
  309. 22:27:31    @mq521 � how wud u kno srs
  310. 22:27:34    +Jason � It pretty much stayed small settlements till the next generation Australians were born and started building the country.
  311. 22:27:38    @mq521 � rofl
  312. 22:27:41    @mq521 � ok
  313. 22:27:44    @mq521 � you just admit
  314. 22:27:45    @mq521 � our point
  315. 22:27:46    @mq521 � thx
  316. 22:27:48    +Jason � leetality, you can talk, you're American yeah?
  317. 22:27:57    +Jason � At least we didn't kill ours, we just displaced them.
  318. 22:28:07    @mq521 � ya ok
  319. 22:28:07    @mq521 � ?
  320. 22:28:11    @mq521 � still criminals
  321. 22:28:11    @mq521 � ?
  322. 22:28:17    +Jason � Nope
  323. 22:28:19    &Echo419 � ya and some don't deserve death?
  324. 22:28:26    @mq521 � ya
  325. 22:28:30    +Jason � Most came from Gold Rush, learn your history.
  326. 22:28:31    +Jason � Silly Eurofag
  327. 22:28:34    @mq521 � ya sur
  328. 22:28:40    @mq521 � seems ur de 1
  329. 22:28:42    @mq521 � ingorant
  330. 22:28:42    @mq521 � pls
  331. 22:28:48    static ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  332. 22:28:48 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v static
  333. 22:28:58 LimitServ sets mode: +l 41
  334. 22:29:12    @mq521 � till the next generation Australians were born and started building the country.
  335. 22:29:13    +Jason � Oo an Australian
  336. 22:29:14    @mq521 � wer dey born
  337. 22:29:15    @mq521 � ?
  338. 22:29:18    +Jason � Correct,
  339. 22:29:19    @mq521 � from space
  340. 22:29:19    @mq521 � ?
  341. 22:29:20    +Jason � were or where?
  342. 22:29:30    +Jason � They were born in Australia.
  343. 22:29:38    @mq521 � ya
  344. 22:29:39    +Jason � Making them Australian.
  345. 22:29:41    @mq521 � so
  346. 22:29:41    @mq521 � ?
  347. 22:29:44    @mq521 � born from
  348. 22:29:44    @mq521 � ?
  349. 22:29:46    @mq521 � space?
  350. 22:29:48    +Jason � So what is your argument?
  351. 22:29:54    +Jason � Born from a mother & father.
  352. 22:29:58    @mq521 � my argumnt is roots of those who was born
  353. 22:29:58    +static ([email protected]) parts #CS1.6
  354. 22:29:58    @mq521 � pls
  355. 22:29:58    &Echo419 � ancestory
  356. 22:29:59    &Echo419 � plz
  357. 22:30:03    +leetality � and where did their mother/father come from
  358. 22:30:06    @mq521 � space
  359. 22:30:07    @mq521 � aliens
  360. 22:30:08    @mq521 � ?
  361. 22:30:08 LimitServ sets mode: +l 40
  362. 22:30:08    +Jason � It doesn't matter though.
  363. 22:30:08    @mq521 � pls
  364. 22:30:10    +haxxoorrr ([email protected]) quits (Quit: get satisfied! � :: www.unitedservers.de ��� (Gamers.IRC) ��� gamersirc.net ::)
  365. 22:30:10    @mq521 � ya does
  366. 22:30:12    @mq521 � dats de point
  367. 22:30:12    +leetality � yeha it does
  368. 22:30:13    +Jason � It doesn't have any impact on what they did
  369. 22:30:15    @mq521 � ya does
  370. 22:30:20    +Jason � They didn't go to Europe at any time in their lives
  371. 22:30:23    @mq521 � so
  372. 22:30:24    @mq521 � ?
  373. 22:30:27    +Jason � How does it?
  374. 22:30:28 LimitServ sets mode: +l 39
  375. 22:30:30    @mq521 � DNA
  376. 22:30:30    @mq521 � ?
  377. 22:30:35    &Echo419 � proof every one did not go to eurpe at some point?
  378. 22:30:41    @mq521 � no proof
  379. 22:30:42    +Jason � DNA of humans, not of Europeans.
  380. 22:30:44    +Jason � next point?
  381. 22:30:44    @mq521 � ya
  382. 22:30:48    @mq521 � DNA of human
  383. 22:30:50    @mq521 � so
  384. 22:30:51    @mq521 � ?
  385. 22:30:53    +Jason � I'm talking in general, Echo, they didn't.
  386. 22:30:54    @mq521 � euro not human?
  387. 22:30:58    @mq521 � or wat
  388. 22:31:01    @mq521 � i dun get u
  389. 22:31:40    +Jason � If your only claim to fame is that people left your country and built better ones and that because someone they never met was born in Europe, that somehow translates to them being European, I suggest you give up.
  390. 22:31:49    +Jason � I'm glad I don't live there.
  391. 22:31:51    +Jason � Bunch of whingers.
  392. 22:31:56    @mq521 � um
  393. 22:32:02    @mq521 � ur missin poitn
  394. 22:32:07    @mq521 � we dun argue ur not Euro
  395. 22:32:11    @mq521 � we argue wer u came from
  396. 22:32:11    @mq521 � pls
  397. 22:32:14    @mq521 � and dats Euro
  398. 22:32:14    @mq521 � pls
  399. 22:32:24    @mq521 � u kinda cant read
  400. 22:32:26    @mq521 � it seems
  401. 22:32:32    +Jason � I was born in Australia, to Australian parents.
  402. 22:32:44    +Jason � They raised me, that is all that matters.
  403. 22:32:47    @mq521 � and aussie parents come from space?
  404. 22:32:49    +Jason � I had no European influence on my upbringing,
  405. 22:32:50    +leetality � im american, if i moved to australia, and had my kids there, theyd be australian, but not native. understand jason?
  406. 22:32:51    +Jason � I have not and will not go to Europe.
  407. 22:32:52    @mq521 � and aussie parents come from space?
  408. 22:32:52    @mq521 � and aussie parents come from space?
  409. 22:32:52    @mq521 � and aussie parents come from space?
  410. 22:33:02    @mq521 � ya
  411. 22:33:02    @mq521 � jaso
  412. 22:33:03    @mq521 � good
  413. 22:33:07    @mq521 � dun need buncha of nigers
  414. 22:33:08    @mq521 � here
  415. 22:33:12    @mq521 � Euro is alrdy crowded place
  416. 22:33:13    +Jason � Correct, but that's not the same.
  417. 22:33:16    +Jason � That is a pre-existing country.
  418. 22:33:19    @mq521 � so
  419. 22:33:19    @mq521 � ?
  420. 22:33:23    @mq521 � still not native
  421. 22:33:23    @mq521 � pls
  422. 22:33:27    @mq521 � missin point again
  423. 22:33:28    +Jason � Wow
  424. 22:33:35    +Jason � Racist little 14-year-old white kids.
  425. 22:33:37    +Jason � Lol
  426. 22:33:39    @mq521 � u racist
  427. 22:33:41    @mq521 � callin euro = fags
  428. 22:33:42    @mq521 � ?
  429. 22:33:43    +leetality � euro is in your blood, and you want to deny it sooo bad.
  430. 22:33:46    @mq521 � ya
  431. 22:33:47    +Jason � Euro isn't a race, idiot.
  432. 22:33:49    @mq521 � ya is
  433. 22:33:53    @mq521 � proof isnt
  434. 22:33:53    +Jason � It isn't :)
  435. 22:33:53    @mq521 � ?
  436. 22:34:11    @mq521 � waitin
  437. 22:34:31    +Jason � Unless you can cite some proof of that, I'm going to have to disagree with you, leetality.
  438. 22:34:33    +Jason � You're the one making the claim, you have to have evidence of it.
  439. 22:34:33    +Jason � That ancestory can directly affect a person.
  440. 22:34:36    +leetality � its a nationality, but if we could narrow down what part of euro, we could give you a race.
  441. 22:34:51    @mq521 � euro = white
  442. 22:34:52    @mq521 � pls
  443. 22:34:53    @mq521 � mostly
  444. 22:34:53    @mq521 � so
  445. 22:34:54    @mq521 � is race
  446. 22:34:55    @mq521 � ty
  447. 22:34:57    +Jason � Lol
  448. 22:34:57    +Jason � LOL
  449. 22:34:59    @mq521 � ya
  450. 22:34:59    +Jason � Fail.
  451. 22:35:01    @mq521 � funy
  452. 22:35:03    +Jason � You can't just claim a race
  453. 22:35:03    @mq521 � how u dun get it
  454. 22:35:05    +Jason � You idiot
  455. 22:35:06    @mq521 � ya can
  456. 22:35:06    @mq521 � ?
  457. 22:35:08    @mq521 � never calimed
  458. 22:35:13    &Echo419 � Ethnic groups    29.06% Australian,
  459. 22:35:13    @mq521 � always was
  460. 22:35:14    &Echo419 � 0.45% Australian Aboriginal,
  461. 22:35:14    &Echo419 � 52.8% European,
  462. 22:35:15    &Echo419 � wat dis?
  463. 22:35:19    @mq521 � o duno
  464. 22:35:20    @mq521 � acidnt?
  465. 22:35:27    +Jason � I am the Australian part of that.
  466. 22:35:29    @mq521 � so
  467. 22:35:29    @mq521 � ?
  468. 22:35:32    @mq521 � euro neve been to AU
  469. 22:35:33    @mq521 � ?
  470. 22:35:34    @mq521 � orw wat
  471. 22:35:36    +Jason � Hence your argument is not valid.
  472. 22:35:41    @mq521 � jason srs
  473. 22:35:45    @mq521 � wat ur point
  474. 22:35:49    +Jason � What srs?
  475. 22:35:51    @mq521 � our point is ur roots = euro
  476. 22:35:53    +Jason � That I'm not Europea
  477. 22:35:54    &Echo419 � you argue run by austrailians plz
  478. 22:35:55    @mq521 � ur point = ?????????
  479. 22:35:57    +Jason � n
  480. 22:35:58    +Jason � Which I am not.
  481. 22:35:59    &Echo419 � yet euro represented more
  482. 22:36:01    +Jason � No, they aren't.
  483. 22:36:03    +Jason � My parents maybe, not mine.
  484. 22:36:09    @mq521 � wat
  485. 22:36:10    @mq521 � ?
  486. 22:36:11    @mq521 � our point is ur roots = euro
  487. 22:36:12    @mq521 � our point is ur roots = euro
  488. 22:36:12    @mq521 � our point is ur roots = euro
  489. 22:36:13    @mq521 � ur point = ?????????
  490. 22:36:14    @mq521 � ur point = ?????????
  491. 22:36:14    @mq521 � ur point = ?????????
  492. 22:36:14    @mq521 � ur point = ?????????
  493. 22:36:16    +Jason � I am not European.
  494. 22:36:19    @mq521 � ROOT
  495. 22:36:19    +Jason � I was not born in Europe,
  496. 22:36:20    @mq521 � S
  497. 22:36:21    +Jason � I am not European
  498. 22:36:22    @mq521 � DICTIONARY
  499. 22:36:23    @mq521 � THX
  500. 22:36:24    +leetality � i am not american
  501. 22:36:26    @mq521 � our point is ur roots = euro
  502. 22:36:26    @mq521 � our point is ur roots = euro
  503. 22:36:26    @mq521 � our point is ur roots = euro
  504. 22:36:28    +leetality � doesnt work when i do it
  505. 22:36:30    +Jason � You have yet to provide proof which I have asked
  506. 22:36:33    @mq521 � wat prof
  507. 22:36:34    @mq521 � ?
  508. 22:36:36    @mq521 � no ned prof
  509. 22:36:38    @mq521 � u prof
  510. 22:36:39    @mq521 � pls
  511. 22:36:40    +Jason � that ancestory has any affect on a person
  512. 22:36:43    @mq521 � wow
  513. 22:36:44    +leetality � it does
  514. 22:36:46    +Jason � Unless you have proof, you're lying :)
  515. 22:36:47    @mq521 � DNA
  516. 22:36:48    @mq521 � keeps
  517. 22:36:49    @mq521 � records
  518. 22:36:51    +Jason � No proof? not valid.
  519. 22:36:53    @mq521 � of human history
  520. 22:36:53    @mq521 � ok
  521. 22:36:58    +Jason � DNA is of race, not nationality.
  522. 22:36:58    @mq521 � google some that
  523. 22:37:02    @mq521 � wow
  524. 22:37:02    +Jason � Try again, kiddo.
  525. 22:37:04    @mq521 � DNA of human
  526. 22:37:06    &Echo419 � ya give full d0x
  527. 22:37:08    @mq521 � regardless of race
  528. 22:37:08    @mq521 � pls
  529. 22:37:09    &Echo419 � we trace history plkz
  530. 22:37:10    @mq521 � regardless of race
  531. 22:37:10    @mq521 � regardless of race
  532. 22:37:11    @mq521 � regardless of race
  533. 22:37:14    @mq521 � pls
  534. 22:37:17    @mq521 � u kinda dum
  535. 22:37:17    +Jason � DNA of human history? oh okay, that makes sense.
  536. 22:37:19    @mq521 � ya
  537. 22:37:22    +Jason � Because that = nationality???
  538. 22:37:24    @mq521 � wat?
  539. 22:37:26    +Jason � Echo, no.
  540. 22:37:29    @mq521 � 22:37:22 +Jason � Because that = nationality???
  541. 22:37:30    @mq521 � explain
  542. 22:37:30    @mq521 � ?
  543. 22:37:32    +Jason � Sigh, trolls.
  544. 22:37:34    +leetality � because your ancestors affected each other, leading up to affecting your parents in which afefcted you.
  545. 22:37:38    @mq521 � sign, ignorant.
  546. 22:37:38    +Jason ([email protected]) quits (Quit: Leaving)
  547. 22:37:40    @mq521 � ROFl
  548. 22:37:41    @mq521 � RAGD
  549. 22:37:41    &Echo419 � LOL
  550. 22:37:42    &Echo419 � RAGD

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