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Posted by sumfgt rinsd on Tuesday 9th December 2008 12:04:58 - Never Expires
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  1. 13:23:51    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � next time use brain
  2. 13:23:51    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � k
  3. 13:23:53    Linus ([email protected]) joins #cs.rin.ru
  4. 13:23:53 &Source sets mode: +v Linus
  5. 13:24:19    +Linus � Hi
  6. 13:24:47    +Linus � I'm searching for help with VUP
  7. 13:26:23    +Linus � It doesnt work, i gut get error16
  8. 13:26:58    +Linus � gut=just
  9. 13:38:37    +TeAr[Drop] ([email protected]) quits (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  10. 13:40:12    +Linus � Nobody here?
  11. 13:40:29    +BosmouZ ([email protected]) quits (Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - www.nbs-irc.net -)
  12. 13:44:35    TeAr[Drop] ([email protected]) joins #cs.rin.ru
  13. 13:44:36 &Source sets mode: +v TeAr[Drop]
  14. 13:45:42    +UnknownzD � mq520 you are really on9 in HK word
  15. 13:45:53    +UnknownzD � gtfo with your stupid talking
  16. 13:45:58    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � u gtfo
  17. 13:45:58    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � pl
  18. 13:45:58    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � z
  19. 13:46:28    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � not my fault you didnt get a brain from birth plz?
  20. 13:46:44    +MadMakz � lol
  21. 13:47:13    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � you can go fix it by /wristing though
  22. 13:50:09    +UnknownzD � gtfo plx ......... nub with stupid saying
  23. 13:50:14    +UnknownzD � just like a fucker
  24. 13:50:56    +UnknownzD � lol + that is make sense if you are using 2 bytes character for password ........... that stupid enough
  25. 13:51:27    +Mal3ko � huh whut whut?
  26. 13:52:56    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � yeah exactly
  27. 13:53:03    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � I didn't understand too
  28. 13:53:09    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � He needs to learn to talk in english
  29. 13:53:12    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � Or something.
  30. 13:53:55    +Mal3ko � no
  31. 13:53:56    +MadMakz � ah common gtfo, u r not even registered here
  32. 13:54:35    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � "common gtfo"?
  33. 13:54:52    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � Do any of you talk english at all?
  34. 13:54:53    +Linus � Mui, does anybody know how VUP works?
  35. 13:55:16    +MadMakz � omfg thatґs chat, i just missed a ,
  36. 13:55:23    +MadMakz � idiot
  37. 13:55:31    +Linus � hoe?
  38. 13:56:02    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � I think I need Python1320 to translate these faggot talk
  39. 13:56:08    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � Doesn't make any sense to me
  40. 13:56:19    +MadMakz � vuz u r n00b
  41. 13:56:22    +MadMakz � *cuz
  42. 13:56:33    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � Because*
  43. 13:56:34    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � you*
  44. 13:56:36    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � are*
  45. 13:56:38    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � noob*
  46. 13:56:43    +MadMakz � ye faggot
  47. 13:56:46    +MadMakz � exactly
  48. 13:56:47    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � yeah*
  49. 13:57:21    +Mal3ko � !deletequote 55
  50. 13:57:26    +Mal3ko � !delquote 55
  51. 13:57:27    &CsRinRu � Deleted quote #55.
  52. 13:57:32    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � I mean, I know it's expensive to learn english for ya black people, but atleast have some respect who have learned it?
  53. 13:57:44    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � Not much to ask for.
  54. 13:57:57    +Mal3ko � estonian is blek?
  55. 13:58:07    +Linus ([email protected]) quits (Quit: I used cs.rin.ru Web IRC Applet)
  56. 13:58:14    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � You are?
  57. 13:58:22    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � You can't even READ english, how sad is that.
  58. 13:58:33    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � You should find some free classes for english
  59. 13:58:42    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � Serious advice.
  60. 13:59:04    +MadMakz � u r the ultra faggot on this chan so far
  61. 13:59:12    +MadMakz � be proud
  62. 13:59:17    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � Hypocrite much?
  63. 13:59:27    +[n3t-t3z]mq520 � Really ironic and all...

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