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Posted by sn00zr big liar on Friday 10th April 2009 23:55:22 - Never Expires
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  5. --- Copyright � n3t-t3z Team
  7. 01:23:22    &Sn00zr � Worthless.
  8. 01:25:13    &Echo419 � ur
  9. 01:26:23    &Sn00zr � no your fail.
  10. 01:26:28    &Sn00zr � really fail.
  11. 01:27:26    &Echo419 � ur
  12. 01:27:29    &Echo419 � getting box limited
  13. 01:27:30    &Echo419 � etc..
  14. 01:27:42    &Sn00zr � ya sure. how was it me? didnt login for 3+ weeks.
  15. 01:27:54    &Sn00zr � check logs for confirm
  16. 01:28:32    @mq521 � ya ok
  17. 01:29:22    &Sn00zr � knowing echo just gonna faek logs probably
  18. 01:29:30    @mq521 � ya prof?
  19. 01:29:34    @mq521 � u hypocrit much
  20. 01:29:42    @mq521 � askin 4 prof
  21. 01:29:42    &Sn00zr � hypocrit?
  22. 01:29:46    @mq521 � yet dun provid prof
  23. 01:29:46    &Sn00zr � how?
  24. 01:29:46    @mq521 � utslf
  25. 01:29:47    @mq521 � urslf
  26. 01:29:47    @mq521 � pls
  27. 01:29:48    @mq521 � dddddd
  28. 01:29:56    &Sn00zr � he fake logs before on fsteam
  29. 01:29:57    &Sn00zr � i know
  30. 01:30:01    @mq521 � rof
  31. 01:30:01    @mq521 � ?
  32. 01:30:02    @mq521 � prof
  33. 01:30:03    @mq521 � ?
  34. 01:30:05    &Sn00zr � ask him
  35. 01:30:06    &Sn00zr � for prof
  36. 01:30:08    &Sn00zr � he will tell
  37. 01:30:08    @mq521 � um
  38. 01:30:11    @mq521 � ur de 1
  39. 01:30:12    @mq521 � telin
  40. 01:30:13    @mq521 � so u giv prof
  41. 01:30:14    @mq521 � ?
  42. 01:30:23    &Sn00zr � ya my prof is ask him and if he denies hes lying
  43. 01:30:27    @mq521 � ya
  44. 01:30:32    @mq521 � so u deny logging in the box
  45. 01:30:33    @mq521 � so you lie
  46. 01:30:39    @mq521 � thx
  47. 01:30:42    &Sn00zr � ya but logs prov
  48. 01:30:43    @mq521 � all what i needed
  49. 01:30:50    @mq521 � ya fake logs
  50. 01:30:53    @mq521 � as you said
  51. 01:30:59    &Sn00zr � who fake?
  52. 01:31:02    @mq521 � urs
  53. 01:31:06    &Sn00zr � i fake?
  54. 01:31:08    @mq521 � ya
  55. 01:31:11    &Sn00zr � u dum?
  56. 01:31:13    @mq521 � ur?
  57. 01:31:20    &Sn00zr � i dont even know how to read a file in linux
  58. 01:31:26    @mq521 � nd i duno how to breathe
  59. 01:31:26    &Sn00zr � how can i open it change it and save it?
  60. 01:31:26    @mq521 � ?
  61. 01:31:40    &Sn00zr � ya kk go get towels
  62. 01:31:43    &Sn00zr � you just got rinsd
  63. 01:31:44    @mq521 � sry
  64. 01:31:46    @mq521 � hypocrit
  65. 01:31:50    @mq521 � im men
  66. 01:31:55    @mq521 � srsly hypocrit
  67. 01:31:57    @mq521 � no joke
  68. 01:32:18    @mq521 � so ja
  69. 01:32:19    @mq521 � gg 2 snozr
  70. 01:32:23    @mq521 � shud remov axes
  71. 01:32:24    @mq521 � nd ircop
  72. 01:32:26    @mq521 � cuz ur usls
  73. 01:32:28    &Sn00zr � you got ownt.
  74. 01:32:33    @mq521 � prof?
  75. 01:32:39    @mq521 � ya non
  76. 01:32:44    &Sn00zr � [18:31:26] @mq521 : nd i duno how to breathe
  77. 01:32:44    &Sn00zr � [18:31:26] @mq521 : ?
  78. 01:32:46    &Sn00zr � right there
  79. 01:32:50    @mq521 � 01:31:20 &Sn00zr � i dont even know how to read a file in linux
  80. 01:32:53    @mq521 � right there
  81. 01:32:53    @mq521 � ?
  82. 01:32:59    &Sn00zr � so?
  83. 01:33:00    @mq521 � same stuff
  84. 01:33:00    @mq521 � plz
  85. 01:33:02    @mq521 � bs is bs
  86. 01:33:05    @mq521 � ty
  87. 01:33:06    &Sn00zr � how bs?
  88. 01:33:08    &Sn00zr � its true
  89. 01:33:08    &Sn00zr � lol
  90. 01:33:10    @mq521 � ya
  91. 01:33:13    @mq521 � and i cant breathe
  92. 01:33:15    @mq521 � its true
  93. 01:33:15    &Echo419 � ya Sn00zr wat u trying to do reading log files then
  94. 01:33:17    +Jammie ([email protected]) quits (Connection reset by peer)
  95. 01:33:18    &Echo419 � ya thot so
  96. 01:33:30    &Echo419 � adn failing to sue rgep
  97. 01:33:36    &Sn00zr � ?
  98. 01:33:38    &Sn00zr � trying to read it?
  99. 01:33:39    &Sn00zr � wtf?
  100. 01:33:48    @mq521 � ollol
  101. 01:33:49    @mq521 � Sn00zr
  102. 01:33:49    @mq521 � ragd
  103. 01:33:52    @mq521 � shunned jam
  104. 01:33:55    @mq521 � hav a towel
  105. 01:33:59    @mq521 � np
  106. 01:34:01    &Sn00zr � i told you i dunno how to open a file
  107. 01:34:03    &Sn00zr � in linux
  108. 01:34:05    &Sn00zr � to read it
  109. 01:34:10    &Sn00zr � except manual
  110. 01:34:12    &Sn00zr � thats it
  111. 01:34:36    @mq521 � ya sur
  112. 01:34:39    Jammie ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  113. 01:34:39 &csbot sets mode: +v Jammie
  114. 01:34:42    @mq521 � y wud u beliv
  115. 01:34:43    @mq521 � tel
  116. 01:34:46    &Echo419 � ya used cat Sn00zr
  117. 01:34:46    &Echo419 � plz
  118. 01:34:52    +Jammie � k
  119. 01:34:52    @mq521 � yo liek
  120. 01:34:53    @mq521 � Sn00zr
  121. 01:34:56    &Sn00zr � cat?
  122. 01:34:57    @mq521 � if i tel u
  123. 01:34:57    +Jammie � shunend as usual
  124. 01:34:58    @mq521 � im fbi
  125. 01:35:00    @mq521 � u belive me
  126. 01:35:00    @mq521 � ?
  127. 01:35:02    +Jammie � ppl jsut ragd by my presence
  128. 01:35:09    &Sn00zr � waste of slot on IRC
  129. 01:35:13    &Echo419 � Sn00zr i know exactly when you do it
  130. 01:35:19    &Echo419 � because you make the same shit mistake every time
  131. 01:35:20    @mq521 � Sn00zr gettin rinsd
  132. 01:35:21    @mq521 � plz
  133. 01:35:33    +Jammie � lol
  134. 01:35:34    &Sn00zr � do what?
  135. 01:35:36    +Jammie � as usual
  136. 01:35:37    @mq521 � I love how it reversed
  137. 01:35:46    @mq521 � he telin me rinsd
  138. 01:35:48    &Sn00zr � making no sense.
  139. 01:35:49    @mq521 � yet hes de one
  140. 01:35:50    @mq521 � rinsd
  141. 01:35:50    @mq521 � epic
  142. 01:35:50    @mq521 � pls
  143. 01:35:54    @mq521 � ya
  144. 01:35:58    @mq521 � stop dis dumfook pretend
  145. 01:35:59    @mq521 � thx
  146. 01:36:18    &Sn00zr � i have the cmds i use on a notepad
  147. 01:36:18    &Echo419 � Sn00zr
  148. 01:36:19    &Echo419 � ./fudp ?
  149. 01:36:21    &Echo419 � whats this?
  150. 01:36:30    &Echo419 � somone fails to understand even CLI?
  151. 01:36:31    +ThePirate � Guys
  152. 01:36:36    +ThePirate � Echo?
  153. 01:36:42    &Sn00zr � whats that?
  154. 01:36:47    &Echo419 � you
  155. 01:36:48    +ThePirate � Is it true that the hax where realesd yesterday?
  156. 01:36:50    &Echo419 � trying to get help
  157. 01:36:52    &Sn00zr � ya k so what is cat?
  158. 01:37:04    @mq521 � u tel
  159. 01:37:06    @mq521 � ur de one takin
  160. 01:37:07    @mq521 � course
  161. 01:37:07    @mq521 � plz
  162. 01:37:07    &Echo419 � you used it
  163. 01:37:09    &Echo419 � you should know
  164. 01:37:13    &Sn00zr � i never used cat
  165. 01:37:14    &Sn00zr � ever.
  166. 01:37:15    &Sn00zr � you liar.
  167. 01:37:16    @mq521 � k
  168. 01:37:19    @mq521 � used dog
  169. 01:37:19    @mq521 � then
  170. 01:37:19    @mq521 � ?
  171. 01:37:20    @mq521 � or wat
  172. 01:37:26    &Sn00zr � wtf is dog?
  173. 01:37:26    @mq521 � mr innoncens
  174. 01:37:26    @mq521 � plz
  175. 01:37:30    @mq521 � RIFK
  176. 01:37:37    &Echo419 � Sn00zr ur liar plz
  177. 01:37:40    &Echo419 � i know when it's you
  178. 01:37:41    @mq521 � obv
  179. 01:37:47    &Sn00zr � when what me?
  180. 01:37:52    &Echo419 � because you fail at shell
  181. 01:37:59    &Sn00zr � i told you never used cat or dog
  182. 01:37:59    &Echo419 � when u run the cmds
  183. 01:38:01    &Sn00zr � or whatever you saying
  184. 01:38:12    &Sn00zr � and i told you it dont work last time
  185. 01:38:24    &Sn00zr � and that was first time i logged in and used in like 3 weeks
  186. 01:39:16    @mq521 � sur
  187. 01:39:40    &Sn00zr � shure.
  188. 01:39:55    @mq521 � so liek
  189. 01:39:57    @mq521 � wen u stop lyin
  190. 01:39:58    @mq521 � tel
  191. 01:39:58    @mq521 � ?
  192. 01:39:59    &Echo419 � є�ш�ёё�ш�є�Ёє�ш�ёё�ш�є�Ё
  193. 01:40:00    &Echo419 � Ё�є�ш�ёHardstyle? ё�ш�є�Ё
  194. 01:40:00    &Echo419 � ё�ш�є�ЁCANADA```�є�ш�ё
  195. 01:40:00    &Echo419 � ё�ш�є�Ёє�ш�ёё�ш�є�Ёє�ш�ё
  196. 01:40:02    @mq521 � i curious
  197. 01:40:05    &Sn00zr � what lies?
  198. 01:40:09    @mq521 � ^
  199. 01:40:19    &Sn00zr � i said truth
  200. 01:40:23    &Sn00zr � i dunno bout echo
  201. 01:40:26    @mq521 � um
  202. 01:40:31    @mq521 � if you define truth as lies
  203. 01:40:33    @mq521 � then it makes sense
  204. 01:40:51    &Sn00zr � dumb.
  205. 01:41:33    @mq521 � ya ur
  206. 01:41:37    @mq521 � kinda dum 4 u
  207. 01:41:39    @mq521 � 2 deny dis
  208. 01:41:40    @mq521 � ???????
  209. 01:41:53    @mq521 � mby u not Sn00zr
  210. 01:41:54    @mq521 � nd liek
  211. 01:41:58    @mq521 � we tlakin 2 wrong guy
  212. 01:41:58    @mq521 � ?
  213. 01:42:00    &Sn00zr � seeing how you dun even have axx to box i dunno why you even talking.
  214. 01:42:05    @mq521 � cuz i can
  215. 01:42:05    @mq521 � ?
  216. 01:42:09    @mq521 � ya sems gud reson
  217. 01:42:09    +Jammie � lol
  218. 01:42:13    &Sn00zr � u sure?
  219. 01:42:14    @mq521 � ye
  220. 01:42:19    &Sn00zr ([email protected]) quits (Z:lined (no reason))

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