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Posted by f0rbes ragequit on Saturday 11th April 2009 06:09:10 - Never Expires
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  1. ----------------------------
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  5. --- Copyright � n3t-t3z Team
  8. 07:43:32    botboy ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  9. 07:43:33 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v botboy
  10. 07:44:07    +botboy � does anyone have the SSW38 password
  11. 07:44:17    @mq521 � no
  12. 07:44:21    +monkey � jimster u there?
  13. 07:44:40 botboy is now known as f0rbes
  14. 07:44:43    +f0rbes � does anyone have the SSW38 password
  15. 07:45:06    +monkey � all admin not here?
  16. 07:46:07    @mq521 � wat?
  17. 07:46:30    +f0rbes � does anyone have the SSW38 password
  18. 07:48:44    @mq521 � WOW
  19. 07:48:45    @mq521 � HERE
  20. 07:48:52    +monkey � ohh
  21. 07:49:08    +monkey � u admin?
  22. 07:49:21    @mq521 � why does it matter
  23. 07:49:26    +f0rbes � does anyone have the SSW38 password
  24. 07:49:35    +monkey � i need help for my hacks
  25. 07:49:55    +tatootian � f0rbes
  26. 07:49:57    +tatootian � no 1 cers
  27. 07:50:01    +tatootian � you weren't here for it
  28. 07:50:02    +tatootian � so you don't get it
  29. 07:50:02    +tatootian � ty
  30. 07:50:06    +tatootian � hence why they are "private"
  31. 07:50:16    @mq521 � ya srs
  32. 07:50:51    +f0rbes � yes i was u fuck
  33. 07:50:55    +f0rbes � i have the pw they posted
  34. 07:50:56    +f0rbes � it says wrong
  35. 07:50:59    @mq521 � k
  36. 07:51:00    @mq521 � what pw
  37. 07:51:03    +f0rbes � dotn talk to me like yoour someone
  38. 07:51:04    +f0rbes � cause ur not
  39. 07:51:05    +tatootian � ya
  40. 07:51:05    +f0rbes � 1 sec
  41. 07:51:07    +tatootian � ROFL
  42. 07:51:09    +tatootian � f0rbes
  43. 07:51:10    +tatootian � ok
  44. 07:51:10    +tatootian � come fight me
  45. 07:51:11    @mq521 � rofl
  46. 07:51:11    @mq521 � k
  47. 07:51:12    +tatootian � pacific mall
  48. 07:51:15    +tatootian � since you think you're someone
  49. 07:51:16    +tatootian � o
  50. 07:51:16    +tatootian � rite
  51. 07:51:18    +tatootian � pusy muc
  52. 07:51:25    +tatootian � anyway, talk to me when you forge a fragmented syn packet
  53. 07:51:28    +f0rbes � $%^&Sr32niuy807a
  54. 07:51:29    +tatootian � other than that, you have no skills
  55. 07:51:30    +f0rbes � thats the one
  56. 07:51:33    +f0rbes � that was posted
  57. 07:51:33    +tatootian � wrong
  58. 07:51:41    %phil-_- � lol you guys are funny
  59. 07:51:44    %phil-_- � keep e-fighting
  60. 07:51:45    +f0rbes � try and packet me u fuck
  61. 07:51:46    @mq521 � ya
  62. 07:51:46    +tatootian � <33
  63. 07:51:47    %phil-_- � it entertains me
  64. 07:51:47    @mq521 � thx
  65. 07:51:50    +f0rbes � ill fuck ur ass up
  66. 07:51:50    +tatootian � RIFK
  67. 07:51:52    +f0rbes � thru proxy
  68. 07:51:53    @mq521 � wow
  69. 07:51:54    @mq521 � ass
  70. 07:51:56    @mq521 � gay much
  71. 07:51:57    @mq521 � ?
  72. 07:51:58    %phil-_- � lmfao
  73. 07:52:01    +tatootian � ROFL
  74. 07:52:02    +tatootian � ok sec
  75. 07:52:05    +tatootian � mq521
  76. 07:52:07    +tatootian � omg
  77. 07:52:09    +f0rbes � $%^&Sr32niuy807a
  78. 07:52:22    +f0rbes � whats wrong with that pw mq
  79. 07:52:42    %phil-_- � damn this just a knee slapper funnyness
  80. 07:52:49    +tatootian � ya u
  81. 07:52:55    @mq521 � rofl
  82. 07:52:57    +tatootian � shit where is echo when you need him
  83. 07:52:57    +tatootian � rofl
  84. 07:52:59    @mq521 � f0rbes
  85. 07:53:00    +tatootian � he went to sleep?
  86. 07:53:01    @mq521 � he posted new pw
  87. 07:53:01    +tatootian � o rwat
  88. 07:53:03    @mq521 � right after
  89. 07:53:04    @mq521 � so your loss
  90. 07:53:06    +f0rbes � that was it
  91. 07:53:10    +f0rbes � that was the new pw
  92. 07:53:17    @mq521 � no
  93. 07:53:19    @mq521 � that was old
  94. 07:53:19    @mq521 � one
  95. 07:53:20    @mq521 � nigger
  96. 07:53:25    +f0rbes � no
  97. 07:53:26    %phil-_- � damn f0rbes is being hella serious
  98. 07:53:26    +tatootian � sry
  99. 07:53:28    +tatootian � f0rbes is dumb
  100. 07:53:28    +tatootian � ya
  101. 07:53:29    %phil-_- � he wants his hacks
  102. 07:53:29    +f0rbes � ill check logs
  103. 07:53:31    +tatootian � y so srs
  104. 07:53:34    +tatootian � f0rbes
  105. 07:53:37    +tatootian � are you "someone" then?
  106. 07:53:41    @mq521 � lolol
  107. 07:53:44    %phil-_- � hes fucking famous
  108. 07:53:45    %phil-_- � don't you know him
  109. 07:53:48    %phil-_- � holy shit
  110. 07:53:48    @mq521 � ya
  111. 07:53:48    +tatootian � oh
  112. 07:53:48    +tatootian � no
  113. 07:53:49    %phil-_- � cmon now
  114. 07:53:55    @mq521 � seriously
  115. 07:53:59    @mq521 � he probably tries to talk
  116. 07:54:03    @mq521 � with this nonexistent penis
  117. 07:54:04    +tatootian � tough olo
  118. 07:54:07    +tatootian � olo
  119. 07:54:10    %phil-_- � haha
  120. 07:54:10    @mq521 � "o hi pal, im big boy now"
  121. 07:54:11    +tatootian � yo
  122. 07:54:13    +tatootian � wer echo419 go
  123. 07:54:13    +tatootian � ?
  124. 07:54:13    +tatootian � tel
  125. 07:54:44    @mq521 � duno
  126. 07:55:11    %phil-_- � f0rbes ragequit?
  127. 07:55:13    %phil-_- � where he go
  128. 07:55:18    %phil-_- � =[
  129. 07:55:33    @mq521 � duno
  130. 07:55:36    @mq521 � pussied out
  131. 07:59:21    +f0rbes � -----
  132. 07:59:21    +f0rbes � got it
  133. 07:59:22    +f0rbes � fagdick
  134. 07:59:25    +f0rbes � thanks for nothing
  135. 07:59:27    @mq521 � np
  136. 07:59:27    +f0rbes ([email protected]) quits (Quit:)

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