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Posted by zerosec trold on Saturday 2nd May 2009 03:45:41 - Never Expires
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  1. ----------------------------
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  5. --- Copyright � n3t-t3z Team
  8. 05:24:17    iddqd � k
  9. 05:24:29    iddqd � ban this tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  10. 05:24:32    mq521 � u?
  11. 05:24:34    iddqd � panda go
  12. 05:24:41    mq521 � u?
  13. 05:24:46    mq521 � y so ragd
  14. 05:24:46    mq521 � tel
  15. 05:24:46    obe � u guys r fucked
  16. 05:24:52    iddqd � /ban #zerosec mq521
  17. 05:24:57    mq521 � ooMG!!!
  18. 05:25:00    mq521 � IM BANT!!!!!!
  19. 05:25:03    iddqd � no
  20. 05:25:03    mq521 � UNBAN ME !!!11111!
  21. 05:25:05    iddqd � i told panda what to do
  22. 05:25:06    iddqd � nub
  23. 05:25:08    mq521 � yta
  24. 05:25:10    mq521 � liek he duno
  25. 05:25:10    mq521 � ?
  26. 05:25:11    iddqd � yta
  27. 05:25:14    iddqd � liek he doesn't indeed
  28. 05:25:15    mq521 � xplains y hes op
  29. 05:25:16    mq521 � nd ur not
  30. 05:25:16    iddqd � he's a panda
  31. 05:25:23    iddqd � LOL
  32. 05:25:23    mq521 � srs
  33. 05:25:28    @pandaking � srs
  34. 05:25:35    @pandaking � lal
  35. 05:25:49    @pandaking � haha
  36. 05:25:52    @pandaking � i'm trying
  37. 05:26:18    iddqd � Maczek Wolniek
  38. 05:26:19    iddqd � rifk
  39. 05:26:35    mq521 � o niec whois skilz
  40. 05:26:41    iddqd � more like
  41. 05:26:43    mq521 � r u haxr
  42. 05:26:43    mq521 � ?
  43. 05:26:46    iddqd � your name looks dumber than you sound
  44. 05:26:47    iddqd � rifk
  45. 05:26:53    mq521 � wel
  46. 05:26:55    iddqd � wel
  47. 05:26:59    mq521 � wud maek sense if wud be true
  48. 05:26:59    mq521 � ?
  49. 05:27:03    mq521 � else ur prety dum
  50. 05:27:05    mq521 � etc
  51. 05:27:08    iddqd � k
  52. 05:27:10    mq521 � np
  53. 05:27:11    iddqd � k
  54. 05:27:25    obe � k
  55. 05:27:36    @pandaking � nope sorry iddqd
  56. 05:27:39    @pandaking � can't find it
  57. 05:27:39    iddqd � k
  58. 05:27:40    @pandaking � :(
  59. 05:27:41    iddqd � do it
  60. 05:27:44    mq521 � ya
  61. 05:27:45    mq521 � u do
  62. 05:27:45    mq521 � ?
  63. 05:27:47    mq521 � ur de pusy
  64. 05:27:49    mq521 � get bak 2 kitchen
  65. 05:27:49    mq521 � plz
  66. 05:27:53    @pandaking � ok
  67. 05:27:54    mq521 � Ms. Theoo
  68. 05:27:54    mq521 � plz
  69. 05:27:55    @pandaking � bo
  70. 05:28:24    iddqd � where is tatootian mq521?
  71. 05:28:27    mq521 � duno
  72. 05:28:30    mq521 � u tel?
  73. 05:28:41    iddqd � DEW IT PANDAKINGU
  74. 05:28:43    iddqd � !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  75. 05:28:59    obe � he anit in ur ear?
  76. 05:29:03    mq521 � iddqd is prety much nub
  77. 05:29:07    mq521 � cant find anytin
  78. 05:29:11    mq521 � not surprisd
  79. 05:30:30    iddqd � or imma go luk 4 u
  80. 05:30:35    mq521 � k
  81. 05:30:48    iddqd � not talkin' to you boy
  82. 05:30:51    iddqd � shush
  83. 05:31:34    @pandaking � que mr bot:
  84. 05:32:02    mq521 � u iddqd
  85. 05:32:02    @pandaking � ...
  86. 05:32:02    mq521 � ?
  87. 05:32:04    @ZeroSec � [ZeroSec: TV] Flashpoint.S02E11.HDTV.XviD-NoTV by pandaking - http://www.zerosec.ws/?p=32325
  88. 05:32:04    mq521 � ur kinda dum
  89. 05:32:17    iddqd � ya
  90. 05:32:18 @pandaking sets mode: +v iddqd
  91. 05:32:18    +iddqd � so?
  92. 05:32:21    mq521 � duno
  93. 05:32:22    mq521 � u tel
  94. 05:32:23    mq521 � ?
  95. 05:32:26    mq521 � y such dum
  96. 05:32:30    +iddqd � no im dum, remember?
  97. 05:32:38    +iddqd � mebi u dummer?
  98. 05:32:46    @pandaking � dum dum dum!
  99. 05:32:54    mq521 � wel
  100. 05:32:56    mq521 � stil xplain
  101. 05:32:58    mq521 � y ur dum
  102. 05:32:59    @pandaking � *scary music*
  103. 05:33:07    +iddqd � panda fag
  104. 05:33:09    mq521 � curious part of intraweb wunts 2 kno
  105. 05:33:09    mq521 � plz
  106. 05:33:11    +iddqd � no balls
  107. 05:33:19    mq521 � dun tink u shud be talkin
  108. 05:33:20    mq521 � iddqd
  109. 05:33:21    mq521 � mr pusy
  110. 05:33:29    +iddqd � yup
  111. 05:33:30    +iddqd � i got pussy
  112. 05:33:32    +iddqd � so what?
  113. 05:33:55    mq521 � ur pusy
  114. 05:33:56    mq521 � not u got pusy
  115. 05:33:58    mq521 � big diff
  116. 05:33:59    mq521 � plz
  117. 05:34:24    @pandaking � damn dude, you're annoying...
  118. 05:34:32    obe � mq i am jealious of your life
  119. 05:34:43    mq521 � ye
  120. 05:34:48    mq521 � ur not de only 1
  121. 05:34:49    obe � u r cool
  122. 05:34:51    mq521 � just fyi
  123. 05:35:45    obe � its opposite day son
  124. 05:35:55    mq521 � wat
  125. 05:36:24    @pandaking � he's saying you are not cool
  126. 05:36:26    obe � it means your dum
  127. 05:36:39    mq521 � it mens ur dum
  128. 05:36:40    mq521 � ?
  129. 05:36:48    mq521 � prety obv ur de dum
  130. 05:36:49    mq521 � not me
  131. 05:36:53    obe � explain
  132. 05:36:55    mq521 � wel
  133. 05:37:00    mq521 � 1stly
  134. 05:37:03    mq521 � u insult me
  135. 05:37:04    mq521 � 2ndly
  136. 05:37:07    @ZeroSec � [ZeroSec: TV] Dollhouse.S01E11.HDTV.XviD-DOT by pandaking - http://www.zerosec.ws/?p=32327
  137. 05:37:12    mq521 � u dun capitalize ur sentences
  138. 05:37:14    mq521 � 3rdly
  139. 05:37:21 @pandaking sets mode: +b *!*maqzek@*.mus.estpak.ee
  140. 05:37:21 mq521 was kicked by @pandaking (Get me some bamboo and I might let you back...)
  141. 05:37:22 Unable to join #zerosec (you're banned)

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