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Posted by jim crazy ragd on Wednesday 6th May 2009 01:22:55 - Never Expires
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  1. ----------------------------
  2. ------------ www.n3t-t3z.com
  3. -------- rage.n3t-t3z.com/30
  4. ----------------------------
  5. --- Copyright � n3t-t3z Team
  8. #cs1.6
  10. 01:33:41    Nrgx ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  11. 01:33:41 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v Nrgx
  12. 01:33:45    +Nrgx � Ello:)
  13. 01:33:50    ~Jimster480 � hi
  14. 01:33:51    +Nrgx � How do I put this on Idle?
  15. 01:34:00    ~Jimster480 � you just leave it open
  16. 01:34:07    +Nrgx � Oh ok count me idling then^^:)
  17. 01:34:24    +Nrgx � Oh if its u jimster dont u happen to have a trustable aimbot aswell?
  18. 01:34:37    +Nrgx � Since ur the only cheatmaker i trust:)
  19. 01:34:45    @mq521 � 2 bad
  20. 01:34:59    @mq521 � unless u considr trojans as trustable
  21. 01:35:27    +Nrgx � AVG Never caught any SSE or SSW with a trojan
  22. 01:35:50    @mq521 � das cuz AVG sux
  23. 01:35:56    +Nrgx � True story there
  24. 01:36:04    @mq521 � and antivirus doesnt offer 100% protection plz
  25. 01:36:16    @mq521 � u do realiz ders undetectabl trojans
  26. 01:36:17    @mq521 � ?
  27. 01:36:30    +Nrgx � But trojans dont kill tbh. They only check what ur doing and can take control off ur pc at any given time:P
  28. 01:36:39    @mq521 � so
  29. 01:36:40    @mq521 � ?
  30. 01:37:00    @mq521 � can steal all info plz
  31. 01:37:47    +Nrgx � Care. Dont store anything important on my pc:) Important stuff is at my laptop
  32. 01:38:26    @mq521 � ya so can infect laptop 2
  33. 01:38:46    @mq521 � lastly, can use ur pc 2 dd0s plz
  34. 01:39:04    ~Jimster480 � no
  35. 01:39:05    @mq521 � ISP can haz terminate ur acc if finds ddos activity plz
  36. 01:39:17    ~Jimster480 � i dont have an aimbot
  37. 01:39:21    ~Jimster480 � and dont listen to mq521
  38. 01:39:24    @mq521 � ya
  39. 01:39:24    ~Jimster480 � hes just a raving retard
  40. 01:39:26    @mq521 � sur
  41. 01:39:30 &csbot sets mode: -o mq521
  42. 01:39:30 &csbot sets mode: -v mq521
  43. 01:39:32    mq521 � trying 2 silence
  44. 01:39:33    mq521 � plz
  45. 01:39:38    ~Jimster480 � [18:39] --ChanServ-- mq521 deleted from #cs1.6 AOP list.
  46. 01:39:41    mq521 � ya
  47. 01:39:42    mq521 � ragd
  48. 01:39:57    mq521 � funy how u tel no trojans
  49. 01:40:03    mq521 � yet you suppress anything
  50. 01:40:05    mq521 � or anyone
  51. 01:40:07    mq521 � saying
  52. 01:40:09    mq521 � ?
  53. 01:40:14    mq521 � must be true
  54. 01:40:30    +Nrgx � Is he always here Jim?:P
  55. 01:41:13    ~Jimster480 � ya basically
  56. 01:41:17    ~Jimster480 � no mq521
  57. 01:41:20    ~Jimster480 � because i dont need retard fucks
  58. 01:41:24    ~Jimster480 � spreading rumors
  59. 01:41:25    mq521 � ya
  60. 01:41:27    ~Jimster480 � i have enough retards
  61. 01:41:27    mq521 � thats exuse plz
  62. 01:41:29    ~Jimster480 � who dont know anything
  63. 01:41:31    mq521 � if wasnt rumour
  64. 01:41:33    ~Jimster480 � who spread stupid shit
  65. 01:41:34    ~Jimster480 � all the time
  66. 01:41:37    mq521 � you woudnt care
  67. 01:41:37    mq521 � then
  68. 01:41:42    ~Jimster480 � yes i do care
  69. 01:41:43    mq521 � but you kick
  70. 01:41:45    mq521 � and ban
  71. 01:41:47    mq521 � anyone
  72. 01:41:48    ~Jimster480 � because its in MY IRC
  73. 01:41:51    mq521 � so trying 2 silence
  74. 01:41:53    ~Jimster480 � and i dont need
  75. 01:41:54    mq521 � must be true
  76. 01:41:58    ~Jimster480 � fucking moron fuck tards
  77. 01:42:02    ~Jimster480 � fucking lieing to people
  78. 01:42:05    ~Jimster480 � about stupid shit like that
  79. 01:42:07    mq521 � ya
  80. 01:42:09    mq521 � say w/e you want
  81. 01:42:09    ~Jimster480 � so some faggots can go running around
  82. 01:42:11    ~Jimster480 � spreading rumors
  83. 01:42:13    ~Jimster480 � you fucking faggot
  84. 01:42:18    mq521 � doesnt mean its not tue
  85. 01:42:19    mq521 � true
  86. 01:42:19    mq521 � plz
  87. 01:42:36    +Nrgx � Jimster dont get upset by I've used ur cheats for ages but I just downloaded mirc again. So I Can idlez! for private cheats^^
  88. 01:42:44    ~Jimster480 � :)
  89. 01:42:49    mq521 � ya
  90. 01:42:53    ~Jimster480 � its not that i just hate faggots who spread rumors
  91. 01:42:53    mq521 � p7 must be myth too
  92. 01:42:57    mq521 � not rumor
  93. 01:42:58    ~Jimster480 � no p7 is real
  94. 01:42:58    mq521 � is tru
  95. 01:43:01    mq521 � na
  96. 01:43:04    mq521 � its a rumor
  97. 01:43:04    ~Jimster480 � you can see it for yourself
  98. 01:43:06    ~Jimster480 � go dump the dll
  99. 01:43:06    mq521 � nope
  100. 01:43:07    ~Jimster480 � retard
  101. 01:43:09    %phil-_- ([email protected]) quits (Connection reset by peer)
  102. 01:43:10    mq521 � rumor
  103. 01:43:12    ~Jimster480 � if you say mine is a trojan
  104. 01:43:14    ~Jimster480 � then dump it
  105. 01:43:14    mq521 � ya
  106. 01:43:15    ~Jimster480 � and proof
  107. 01:43:16    mq521 � is
  108. 01:43:16    ~Jimster480 � otherwise
  109. 01:43:17    mq521 � k
  110. 01:43:18    mq521 � source
  111. 01:43:18    ~Jimster480 � shut face
  112. 01:43:18    mq521 � ?
  113. 01:43:19    mq521 � wiatin
  114. 01:43:19 mq521 was kicked by &csbot (Stop flooding!)
  115. 01:43:19    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  116. 01:43:20 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v mq521
  117. 01:43:23    +mq521 � wer sourc
  118. 01:43:31    ~Jimster480 � if you werent a fucking pussy
  119. 01:43:36    ~Jimster480 � you wouldnt ask that question
  120. 01:43:40    ~Jimster480 � because you can dump without source
  121. 01:43:42    +mq521 � wow
  122. 01:43:43    +mq521 � r u dum
  123. 01:43:44    ~Jimster480 � but your 2 dum @ computers
  124. 01:43:48    ~Jimster480 � to realize that
  125. 01:43:48    +mq521 � ya
  126. 01:43:51    +mq521 � ur de 1 installin kis
  127. 01:43:52    ~Jimster480 � but ya
  128. 01:43:52    +mq521 � 234908 hours
  129. 01:43:54    ~Jimster480 � ur retards
  130. 01:43:55    +mq521 � ur?
  131. 01:43:57    ~Jimster480 � so
  132. 01:43:58    +mq521 � so
  133. 01:43:59    +Nrgx � Jim where are u from?
  134. 01:44:00    ~Jimster480 � since your a retard
  135. 01:44:02    +mq521 � you dont know how to use pc
  136. 01:44:02    +mq521 � plz
  137. 01:44:05    ~Jimster480 � ya
  138. 01:44:06    +mq521 � yet you tell me
  139. 01:44:07    ~Jimster480 � u just ask for source
  140. 01:44:08    +mq521 � im retard
  141. 01:44:09    ~Jimster480 � for dump
  142. 01:44:09    +mq521 � ?
  143. 01:44:11    +mq521 � ROFL
  144. 01:44:12    ~Jimster480 � obviously ur a tard
  145. 01:44:14    +mq521 � ur tard
  146. 01:44:16    +mq521 � I asked source
  147. 01:44:20    +mq521 � not for dump
  148. 01:44:22    ~Jimster480 � yes
  149. 01:44:23    +mq521 � who said I need source for ump
  150. 01:44:23    +mq521 � ?
  151. 01:44:24    +mq521 � dump
  152. 01:44:26    +mq521 � waitn
  153. 01:44:27    +mq521 � ?
  154. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <~Jimster480> if you say mine is a trojan
  155. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <~Jimster480> then dump it
  156. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <mq521> ya
  157. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <~Jimster480> and proof
  158. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <mq521> is
  159. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <~Jimster480> otherwise
  160. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <mq521> k
  161. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <~Jimster480> shut face
  162. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <mq521> source
  163. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <mq521> ?
  164. 01:44:28    ~Jimster480 � [18:43] <mq521> wiatin
  165. 01:44:30    ~Jimster480 � ya thot so
  166. 01:44:30    +mq521 � ya
  167. 01:44:33    +mq521 � so
  168. 01:44:33    +mq521 � ?
  169. 01:44:34    ~Jimster480 � nub
  170. 01:44:35    +mq521 � ur point?
  171. 01:44:37 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +b *!*@n3t-t3z.com
  172. 01:44:38 mq521 was kicked by &Echo419 (Ban Enforcer (Banned by Jimster480) - Invincible - 90)
  173. 01:44:38 Unable to join #CS1.6 (you're banned)
  175. #0v1
  177. 01:44:45    +mq521 � rofl
  178. 01:44:46    +mq521 � jim ragd
  179. 01:44:52    +mq521 � cuz he has trojans
  180. 01:44:56    +mq521 � in his cheats
  181. 01:45:02    +mq521 � yet tries to suppress truth
  182. 01:45:02    +mq521 � plz
  183. 01:45:05    +mq521 � fails
  184. 01:47:41 * Disconnected
  185. 01:47:41 Closing Link: mq521[xxxx] irc.0v1.org (services.0v1.org (Q-Lined: faggot))
  187. * Your main nickname is now mq522
  188. 01:47:58    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  189. 01:48:02    +mq522 � ohi
  190. 01:48:02    +mq522 � ?
  191. 01:48:03 * Disconnected
  192. 01:48:03 Closing Link: mq522[xxxx] irc.0v1.org (services.0v1.org (Q-Lined: faggot))
  194. * Your main nickname is now mq520
  195. 01:48:13 * Disconnected
  196. 01:48:13 Closing Link: mq520[xxxx] irc.0v1.org (OperServ (Q-Lined: faggot))
  198. * Your main nickname is now SSWtrojan
  199. 01:48:39    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  200. 01:48:41    +SSWtrojan � wat?
  201. 01:48:41    ~Jimster480 � anomoly in it
  202. 01:48:43    +SSWtrojan � y so ragd
  203. 01:48:45    ~Jimster480 � and im reversing it
  204. 01:48:48 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +b *!*@0v1-D251C2C0.mus.estpak.ee
  205. 01:48:49 SSWtrojan was kicked by &Echo419 (Ban Enforcer (Banned by Jimster480) - Invincible - 91)
  206. 01:48:50 Unable to join #CS1.6 (you're banned)
  208. #0v1
  210. 01:48:53    +SSWtrojan � ya
  211. 01:48:55    +SSWtrojan � must be true
  212. 01:48:59 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +b *!*@0v1-D251C2C0.mus.estpak.ee
  213. 01:48:59 SSWtrojan was kicked by &Echo419 (Ban Enforcer (Banned by Jimster480) - Invincible - 92)
  215. * Your main nickname is now JimTrojanCoder
  216. 01:56:34    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  217. 01:56:37    +JimTrojanCoder � hi
  218. 01:56:41    +JimTrojanCoder � i swer
  219. 01:56:46    +JimTrojanCoder � i seen trojan
  220. 01:56:47    +JimTrojanCoder � in dump
  221. 01:56:50 LimitServ sets mode: +l 24
  222. 01:57:50    static ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
  223. 01:57:50 ~Jimster480 sets mode: +v static
  224. 01:58:00 LimitServ sets mode: +l 25
  225. 01:58:18    +Nrgx � God. Hes back
  226. 01:58:30    +JimTrojanCoder � ya
  227. 01:58:31    +JimTrojanCoder � wat ur prob
  228. 01:58:32    +JimTrojanCoder � ?
  229. 01:58:43    +JimTrojanCoder � tryin 2 tell ppl
  230. 01:58:44    +JimTrojanCoder � the truth
  231. 01:58:44    +JimTrojanCoder � ?
  232. 01:59:00    +static ([email protected]) parts #CS1.6
  233. 01:59:10 LimitServ sets mode: +l 24
  234. 01:59:11    +JimTrojanCoder � truth rages ppl
  235. 01:59:11    +JimTrojanCoder � as usual
  236. 01:59:13    +JimTrojanCoder � notin new
  237. 02:00:18    ~Jimster480 � omfg
  238. 02:00:21    ~Jimster480 � retard is back
  239. 02:00:30    +JimTrojanCoder � not retard
  240. 02:00:30    +JimTrojanCoder � pls
  241. 02:00:32    +JimTrojanCoder � stop insult
  242. 02:00:38    +Nrgx � Its more your spamming useless things what annoys me. Try typing in 1 line with dots and comma's. Maybe some capitals and proper spelling makes you look serious.
  243. 02:00:50    +JimTrojanCoder � ya
  244. 02:00:53    +JimTrojanCoder � i rush typing
  245. 02:00:58    +JimTrojanCoder � befor jim bans me again
  246. 02:01:01    +JimTrojanCoder � dun has time 4 dots
  247. 02:01:04    +JimTrojanCoder � nd proper spellin
  248. 02:01:11    +Nrgx � I dont mind your rush typing I mind your ENTER SPAMMMMMM
  249. 02:01:19    +JimTrojanCoder � not spam
  250. 02:01:20 * Disconnected
  251. 02:01:20 Closing Link: JimTrojanCoder[TEPte-15p149.ppp17.odn.ad.jp] (User has been banned from 0v1 IRC Network ([Jimster480] retard))
  253. 02:02:36    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  254. 02:02:37    +TrojanRevealer � OGM
  255. 02:02:40 LimitServ sets mode: +l 24
  256. 02:02:45    +TrojanRevealer � STOP SILENCING TRUTH
  257. 02:02:46    +TrojanRevealer � ???????????
  258. 02:02:50    +TrojanRevealer � just admit
  259. 02:02:50 * Disconnected
  260. 02:02:50 Closing Link: TrojanRevealer[TEPte-15p2-207.ppp17.odn.ad.jp] irc.0v1.org (services.0v1.org (Q-Lined: retard))
  263. 02:03:24    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  264. 02:03:25    ~Jimster480 � its like vent
  265. 02:03:26    +JimTrojaner � :(
  266. 02:03:26    ~Jimster480 � but better
  267. 02:03:32    +JimTrojaner � admit
  268. 02:03:33 * Disconnected
  269. 02:03:33 Closing Link: JimTrojaner[TEPte-15p2-207.ppp17.odn.ad.jp] irc.0v1.org (services.0v1.org (Q-Lined: retard))
  271. 02:03:52    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  272. 02:03:52    +Jimster481 � just admit
  273. 02:03:53    +Nrgx � Let me try it:)
  274. 02:03:53    +Jimster481 � srs
  275. 02:03:58    +Jimster481 � its 1st step
  276. 02:04:06    +Jimster481 � to being trusted
  277. 02:04:16 * Disconnected
  278. 02:04:16 Closing Link: Jimster481[TEPte-15p2-207.ppp17.odn.ad.jp] irc.0v1.org (services.0v1.org (Q-Lined: 0))
  280. 02:04:32    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  281. 02:04:33    +Jimster479 � YO
  282. 02:04:35    +Jimster479 � pusy
  283. 02:04:36    +Jimster479 � ?
  284. 02:04:38    +Jimster479 � cmon talk
  285. 02:04:38 * Disconnected
  286. 02:04:38 Closing Link: Jimster479[TEPte-15p2-207.ppp17.odn.ad.jp] irc.0v1.org (services.0v1.org (Q-Lined: 0))
  288. 02:06:23    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  289. 02:06:26    +Jimsterr480 � cmon
  290. 02:06:29    +Jimsterr480 � u 2 pusy 2 talk?
  291. 02:06:36 * Disconnected
  292. 02:06:36 Closing Link: Jimsterr480[24-217-109-15.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] (Z:lined (no reason))
  294. 02:07:15    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  295. 02:07:26    +Jimsterr480 � stop making trojans
  296. 02:07:27    +Jimsterr480 � in cheats
  297. 02:07:29    +Jimsterr480 � seriously
  298. 02:07:51 * Disconnected
  299. 02:07:51 Closing Link: Jimsterr480[] irc.0v1.org (services.0v1.org (Q-Lined: IMposter))
  301. 02:08:38    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  302. 02:08:42    +Jlmster480 � stop gline?
  303. 02:08:45    +Jlmster480 � o wait
  304. 02:08:48    +Jlmster480 � must be true
  305. 02:08:51    +Jlmster480 � trying 2 ban
  306. 02:08:54    +Jlmster480 � so you dont lose customers
  307. 02:09:00    +Nrgx � Didnt get how i could get into this channel since its a different server then quakenet. I Only knew quakenet
  308. 02:09:12    +Nrgx � So now I found out Im always in this channel!
  309. 02:09:18 * Disconnected
  310. 02:09:18 Closing Link: Jlmster480[] (Z:lined (no reason))
  312. 02:10:19    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  313. 02:10:20    +Jewmster480 � yo
  314. 02:10:20 LimitServ sets mode: +l 24
  315. 02:10:26    +Jewmster480 � y code trojans
  316. 02:10:27    +Jewmster480 � curious
  317. 02:10:34    +Jewmster480 � why not just make simple cheats
  318. 02:10:35 * Disconnected
  319. 02:10:35 Closing Link: Jewmster480[OFSfb-12p4-109.ppp11.odn.ad.jp] (Z:lined (no reason))
  322. Xfire:
  323. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ur a huge faggot
  324. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: u kno right
  325. [02:11] maqzek: y so ragd
  326. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: because im sick of faggots
  327. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: spreading untrue shit
  328. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: because people read it and belive it
  329. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: and then it causes more shit for me
  330. [02:11] maqzek: wtf untrue
  331. [02:11] maqzek: ?
  332. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: and i have enough fucking problems as it is
  333. [02:11] maqzek: is tru
  334. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: without retards fucking shit up
  335. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: no its not
  336. [02:11] maqzek: um
  337. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: provide proof
  338. [02:11] maqzek: u
  339. [02:11] maqzek: ?
  340. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: or shut face
  341. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: forever
  342. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: your the one accusing
  343. [02:11] maqzek: ya
  344. [02:11] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: so you provide proof
  345. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: but you wont be able to
  346. [02:12] maqzek: u?
  347. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: because its not true
  348. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: so ya
  349. [02:12] maqzek: virustotal
  350. [02:12] maqzek: plz
  351. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ya go on
  352. [02:12] maqzek: ya
  353. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: right now
  354. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ya
  355. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: no proof
  356. [02:12] maqzek: wat
  357. [02:12] maqzek: ?
  358. [02:12] maqzek: rofl
  359. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: Telock?
  360. [02:12] maqzek: go scan
  361. [02:12] maqzek: ?
  362. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: not trojan
  363. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: pls
  364. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: bai
  365. [02:12] maqzek: ya is
  366. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ya ok
  367. [02:12] maqzek: not only telock
  368. [02:12] maqzek: k
  369. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: proof that telock packer is trojan
  370. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ya
  371. [02:12] maqzek: so
  372. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: 2 things detect telock
  373. [02:12] maqzek: and um
  374. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: and stupid NOD32
  375. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: says
  376. [02:12] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: Conficker
  377. [02:12] maqzek: AV are not 100%
  378. [02:12] maqzek: can use UD
  379. [02:12] maqzek: plz
  380. [02:13] maqzek: clean scan doesnt mean no viruses plz
  381. [02:14] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: so you cant prove
  382. [02:14] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: so your wrong
  383. [02:14] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: so bai
  384. [02:14] maqzek: um
  385. [02:14] maqzek: ur dum kinda
  386. [02:14] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: no ur
  387. [02:14] maqzek: as i sed erlier
  388. [02:14] maqzek: dun ned prof
  389. [02:15] maqzek: k?
  390. [02:15] maqzek: it obvious
  391. [02:15] maqzek: u tryin 2 hide trojan
  392. [02:15] maqzek: packing it 1000 times
  393. [02:15] maqzek: so virus total comes clean
  394. [02:15] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: 1000 times?
  395. [02:15] maqzek: etc
  396. [02:15] maqzek: ya
  397. [02:15] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: its packed with telock
  398. [02:15] maqzek: exageratd
  399. [02:15] maqzek: plz
  400. [02:15] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: and used to be packed with
  401. [02:15] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: UPX
  402. [02:15] maqzek: sur
  403. [02:15] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ill pack with UPX agian next time
  404. [02:15] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: idc
  405. [02:15] maqzek: like you would tell me anyway
  406. [02:15] maqzek: ?
  407. [02:15] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: thing is more things detect UPX
  408. [02:15] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: than telock
  409. [02:15] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: like stupid AVG
  410. [02:16] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: thinks that
  411. [02:16] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: UPX is a trojan
  412. [02:16] maqzek: ya
  413. [02:16] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: which is stupid
  414. [02:16] maqzek: no need to pack
  415. [02:16] maqzek: unless u hidin trojan
  416. [02:16] maqzek: which u do
  417. [02:16] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: no
  418. [02:16] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: i pack for file size
  419. [02:16] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: cuz is 5k
  420. [02:16] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: so
  421. [02:16] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: pls
  422. [02:16] maqzek: ya sur
  425. IRC:
  426. 02:17:19    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  427. 02:17:20    +Jimstah480 � so ja
  428. 02:17:23    +Jimstah480 � wen u gunna admit?
  429. 02:17:35    +Jimstah480 � cant hide forevr
  430. 02:18:00 * Disconnected
  431. 02:18:00 Closing Link: Jimstah480[host-78-31-154-66.ip.jarsat.pl] (Z:lined (no reason))
  434. Xfire:
  435. [02:18] maqzek: so ja
  436. [02:19] maqzek: must be tru
  437. [02:19] maqzek: if u kep zlinin
  438. [02:19] maqzek: no other reson plz
  439. [02:19] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: no
  440. [02:19] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: that doesnt mean anything
  441. [02:19] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: it means
  442. [02:19] maqzek: ya does
  443. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: i dont want your retarded ass spreading rumors on my fucking network
  444. [02:20] maqzek: not rumour
  445. [02:20] maqzek: ?
  446. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: like i said
  447. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: proof or stfu
  448. [02:20] maqzek: like I said
  449. [02:20] maqzek: UD
  450. [02:20] maqzek: ?
  451. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: but you cant provide proof
  452. [02:20] maqzek: ya
  453. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: so stfu
  454. [02:20] maqzek: cuz u pack 92348 times
  455. [02:20] maqzek: ?
  456. [02:20] maqzek: nd use UD troj
  457. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ya provide proof that it is
  458. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: or stfu
  459. [02:20] maqzek: wat u men
  460. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ya thot so
  461. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: you couldnt unpack UPX
  462. [02:20] maqzek: k
  463. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: so
  464. [02:20] maqzek: giv source
  465. [02:20] maqzek: ?
  466. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: no way you can provide proof
  467. [02:20] maqzek: giv sourc
  468. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: i would give you the source
  469. [02:20] maqzek: has trojan in it
  470. [02:20] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: but you would just leak
  471. [02:21] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: it everywhere
  472. [02:21] maqzek: ya
  473. [02:21] maqzek: xcuse
  474. [02:21] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: because your a faggot
  475. [02:21] maqzek: ya
  476. [02:21] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: and thats what faggots do
  477. [02:21] maqzek: probly wotn send
  478. [02:21] maqzek: cuz u has troj
  479. [02:21] maqzek: in it
  480. [02:21] maqzek: xplains a lot
  481. [02:21] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ya your a tard
  482. [02:21] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: that makes alot of sense
  483. [02:22] maqzek: ye sur
  484. [02:22] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: becuase i couldnt take it out if it was in there right?
  485. [02:22] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: retard
  486. [02:22] &#9562;&#9571;&#9618;&#9658;&#1056;��&#272;�&#286;&#7926;&#9668;&#9618;&#9568;&#9565;: ya bai
  489. IRC:
  490. 02:22:28    � �-�� #CS1.6 join ��-� �
  491. 02:22:40    +Jimst3r480 � ya
  492. 02:22:40 LimitServ sets mode: +l 24
  493. 02:22:48    +Jimst3r480 � so basicl
  494. 02:22:50    +Jimst3r480 � [02:22] L�->&#1056;�ODIG?<-�-: becuase i couldnt take it out if it was in there right?
  495. 02:23:00    +Jimst3r480 � admittin u hav trojan in it
  496. 02:23:06    +Jimst3r480 � but would take it out if you would send source
  497. 02:23:41 %pawnerlol sets mode: +m
  498. 02:23:47    %pawnerlol � take that
  499. 02:23:48    %pawnerlol � does nothing
  500. 02:23:50    +Jimst3r480 � take wat?
  501. 02:23:51    %pawnerlol � winrar
  502. 02:23:54 %pawnerlol sets mode: -m
  503. 02:23:56    +Jimst3r480 � ya
  504. 02:24:01    %pawnerlol � lol
  505. 02:24:05    %pawnerlol � i 4g0t
  506. 02:24:09    +Jimst3r480 � ur jus dum
  507. 02:24:10    +Jimst3r480 � its ok

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