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Posted by bored fun on Wednesday 13th May 2009 07:40:43 - Never Expires
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  1. �__[ ; Taeyani ` ) ��$0 says:
  2.  HeyHeyhEyy .
  4. !              hYp.         <3. says:
  5.  hi
  6. �__[ ; Taeyani ` ) ��$0 says:
  7.  Wassupp /
  8. !              hYp.         <3. says:
  9.  i love u
  10. �__[ ; Taeyani ` ) ��$0 says:
  11.    LMFAO .
  12. !              hYp.         <3. says:
  13.  love at first sight.
  14. �__[ ; Taeyani ` ) ��$0 says:
  15.  Thats.
  16.  Nice  
  17. !              hYp.         <3. says:
  18.  i'm inlove with you.
  19.  can we make love throughout the night while i pull your hair from behind?
  20. �__[ ; Taeyani ` ) ��$0 says:
  22.  Oh Lord  
  23. !              hYp.         <3. says:
  24.  i dont find it funny.
  25.  i really wanna do da dirty wit you
  26.  with no rubbers
  27.  i want to naut inside u
  28. �__[ ; Taeyani ` ) ��$0 says:
  29.    COUGH . -
  30.  Anyways ,
  31.  Hi How Are You  
  32. !              hYp.         <3. says:
  33.  Hard & stiff, you?
  34. �__[ ; Taeyani ` ) ��$0 says:
  35.  Im Fabulous  
  36. !              hYp.         <3. says:
  37.  i can only imagine.
  38. �__[ ; Taeyani ` ) ��$0 says:
  39.  Myspace, ?  
  40. !              hYp.         <3. says:
  41.  i dun do myspace.
  42.  i jus sit here.. and dream about you
  43.  rocking my cock throughout the night
  44. �__[ ; Taeyani ` ) ��$0 says:
  45.  Lmfaooo , Wow . Your .
  46.  Weird

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