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Posted by RBPFC stil ragd on Friday 22nd May 2009 19:42:25 - Never Expires
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  1. ----------------------------
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  3. -------- rage.n3t-t3z.com/33
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  5. --- Copyright � n3t-t3z Team
  8. 21:07:25    &BPXCode � my freakin car shocked me lol
  9. 21:07:52    mq521 � shit car
  10. 21:07:52    mq521 � ?
  11. 21:07:58    &BPXCode � ur mum
  12. 21:08:01    &BPXCode � why is that fucktard here
  13. 21:08:04    &BPXCode � .kb mq521
  14. 21:08:07    mq521 � ur mom invited me
  15. 21:08:07    mq521 � ?
  16. 21:08:08    Python1320 � Bans are gone somehow
  17. 21:08:15    &BPXCode � why is the bot not responsing
  18. 21:08:16    &BPXCode � lol
  19. 21:08:21    Python1320 � hmm
  20. 21:08:25    Python1320 � .devoice
  21. 21:08:26    Python1320 � .voice
  22. 21:08:26 &BillGates sets mode: +v Python1320
  23. 21:08:28    mq521 � hi
  24. 21:08:29    &BPXCode � .kb mq521
  25. 21:08:32    &BPXCode � see
  26. 21:08:32    +Python1320 � wtf
  27. 21:08:33    mq521 � y so rude
  28. 21:08:36    &BPXCode � stfu
  29. 21:08:38    +Python1320 � BPXCode, what does it say?
  30. 21:08:41    &BPXCode � nothing
  31. 21:08:42    &BPXCode � lol
  32. 21:08:42    &ChrisTX � why ur so raged
  33. 21:08:45    &ChrisTX � what did he do
  34. 21:08:53    &BPXCode � doesnt anyone remember that shit tard
  35. 21:08:57    mq521 � no
  36. 21:08:57    mq521 � ?
  37. 21:08:59    mq521 � do u?
  38. 21:09:07    &BPXCode � yea i remember u are an freakin asshole
  39. 21:09:12    &BPXCode � and a damn cheater which got a small penis
  40. 21:09:16    emiderg � I DO TOO. INSTA BAN
  41. 21:09:17    mq521 � nd i remember ur a teen kid
  42. 21:09:17    mq521 � ?
  43. 21:09:23    mq521 � chetaer?
  44. 21:09:23    mq521 � roFL
  45. 21:09:27    mq521 � proof
  46. 21:09:27    mq521 � ?
  47. 21:09:28    &BPXCode � hmm
  48. 21:09:29    mq521 � ya non
  49. 21:09:33    &ChrisTX � man stop flaming
  50. 21:09:35 &BPXCode sets mode: +b *!*maqzek@*.mus.estpak.ee
  51. 21:09:35 This *!*maqzek@*.mus.estpak.ee ban affects: mq521
  52. 21:09:35 mq521 was kicked by &BPXCode (You really wanted it, right?)
  53. 21:09:35 Unable to join #cs.rin.ru (you're banned)

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