- 17:42 wired ¦ heard you were part of a crew and named yoruself after an elite shell
- 17:42 Fel0ny-Bash ¦ Definately Wired
- 17:42 ~ atomiku ¦ lol
- 17:42 wired ¦ awesome
- 17:42 Fel0ny-Bash ¦ lets see you take down your mother like i did
- 17:42 @ Affix ¦ Wired I heard who he really is :P
- 17:42 _[J]ason ¦ wow
- 17:42 _[J]ason ¦ that come back
- 17:42 Fel0ny-Bash ¦ Lulz
- 17:42 _[J]ason ¦ was fucking awesome
- 17:43 _[J]ason ¦ Fel0ny-Bash. your lame as fel0ny
- 17:43 _[J]ason ¦ u belong in there pal
- 17:43 .....· + Electro quit. ([email protected])
- 17:43 ...... ¦ Quit:
- 17:43 Fel0ny-Bash ¦ ROfl ok jason
- 17:43 _[J]ason ¦ skiddiefresh son
- 17:43 ~ atomiku ¦ stop trolling eachother
- 17:43 Fel0ny-Bash ¦ lets just see what happens when your 4chan goes down again
- 17:43 Mode ¦ atomiku +m
- 17:43 ~ atomiku ¦ everyone stfu
- 17:43 ~ atomiku ¦ Fel0ny-Bash: besides, you're totally wrong
- 17:43 ~ atomiku ¦ _[J]ason does not give a fuck about 4chan
- 17:43 ~ atomiku ¦ nobody on terogen really does
- 17:43 wired ¦ lol 4chan
- 17:43 ~ atomiku ¦ if you're looking for fagtard /b/tard chantard 4chan faggots
- 17:43 wired ¦ please
- 17:43 wired ¦ take it down
- 17:43 hyp ¦ LMFAO
Posted by fag0lny on Sunday 31st May 2009 22:44:31 - Never Expires
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