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Posted by BOEdead on Friday 5th June 2009 04:47:54 - Never Expires
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  1. BOE DEAD ROFL!   http://www.builtonenergy.com/
  3. We are saddened to inform you that BuiltOnEnergy.com is no longer a league. After long consideration, MaxFrag has decided to part ways with Built On Energy due to a lack of trust in its executive staff. MaxFrag felt Built On Energy was to premature and BOE�s staff was too young to work with. We deeply apologize to those gamers who were looking forward to playing in this league. Anyone who has downloaded the BOE client should immediately delete it. MaxFrag is not responsible for any losses you faced and the 2 founders of BOE should be contacted, John Tamburino and Daniel Pfledderer.
  5. We also recommend you change your personal passwords for your emails or any other account.
  7. For the community�s sake, we suggest you support the many new leagues coming out. You may check out ECO-League.com (#eco-league) or continue to support CEVO and ESEA.
  9. The community should beware of BOE. The rumors are true. The owner, John Tamburino is 16 years old. This domain was not stolen by MaxFrag, nor is it owned by MaxFrag. The domain was given to MaxFrag after they decided to financially support BOE. For any questions, you can go to #maxfrag.
  11. BOE will most likely come up under a different domain. When it does, I hope you everyone will beware of the new client.
  13. This message was not written by MaxFrag.net

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