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Posted by narcistgay on Wednesday 17th June 2009 23:41:44 - Never Expires
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  1. (00:35:30) (+narcist) my husbands accent is so horrible sometimes
  2. (00:35:35) (+narcist) o.o
  3. (00:35:38) (+LoLz0r) lold
  4. (00:35:47) (+narcist) over the phone its like hes got shit in his mouth ffs;\
  5. (00:36:10) (+narcist) ;p stupid europeans
  6. (00:36:17) (+LoLz0r) FUCK YOU narcist
  7. (00:36:21) (+LoLz0r) EUROPE ROX!!
  8. (00:36:22) (+LoLz0r) :D
  9. (00:36:22) (+narcist) lol
  10. (00:36:35) (+narcist) What part are you from?
  11. (00:36:36) (+narcist) o.o
  12. (00:36:40) (+LoLz0r) Holland :P
  13. (00:36:56) (+narcist) o
  14. (00:37:13) (+LoLz0r) The legal weed side of the world
  15. (00:37:25) (+narcist) well my husband is from eastern europe lmao
  16. (00:37:29) (+narcist) Bulgaria
  17. (00:37:46) (+LoLz0r) He lives in Bulgaria
  18. (00:37:50) (+LoLz0r) and ur in US
  19. (00:38:08) (+narcist) No
  20. (00:38:14) (+narcist) He lives here ;x
  21. (00:38:22) (+narcist) He came here like 6 or 7 yrs ago
  22. (00:38:28) (+LoLz0r) ohLOL
  23. (00:38:31) (+narcist) ;p
  24. (00:38:43) (+narcist) That would be a fucked up relationship, a little too long distance for me
  25. (00:38:57) (+LoLz0r) ya
  26. (00:39:16) (+LoLz0r) gays cant stand long distance relationships, can they?
  27. (00:39:29) (+narcist) Who the fuck is gay
  28. (00:39:30) (+narcist) :\
  29. (00:39:34) (+LoLz0r) arent you
  30. (00:39:44) (+narcist) Im a female ;p
  31. (00:39:46) (+LoLz0r) oh
  32. (00:39:49) (+LoLz0r) right
  33. (00:39:54) (+LoLz0r) that makes sense
  34. (00:39:56) (+LoLz0r) ROFL

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