- 03:25 pm You have joined #bottalk
- —————————————————————————————————————————————————–––
- Topic is "i like vagina and lynx plus marijuana and you should +q pogo everytime you do opiates"
- Set By: [myg0t]chrono on Tue Jun 09 at 04:37 am
- —————————————————————————————————————————————————–––
- <~pogo> fuxk
- <~pogo> brbr
- <~pogo> food
- <thagh0st> ya rite
- #bottalk You need voice (+v) (#bottalk)
- 03:25 pm Nick [!] thagh0st is now known as kl0wn
- Mode [+] ChanServ sets mode: +h kl0wn
- <%kl0wn> ya rite
- <%kl0wn> he blowin some dick ^
- 03:26 pm Mode [+] pogo sets mode: +b *!*@FEDD227E.23A6E0D1.33F7BBAC.IP
- Kick [!] kl0wn was kicked by pogo (pogo)
- * Unable to join channel (address is banned)
- * pogo invites you to join #bottalk
- You have joined #bottalk
- —————————————————————————————————————————————————–––
- Topic is "i like vagina and lynx plus marijuana and you should +q pogo everytime you do opiates"
- Set By: [myg0t]chrono on Tue Jun 09 at 04:37 am
- —————————————————————————————————————————————————–––
- Mode [+] ChanServ sets mode: +h kl0wn
- <%kl0wn> raged lil bitch
- <%kl0wn> etc
- <~pogo> ahha
- <~pogo> im osrry
- <%kl0wn> i should skull fuck you for that man.
- <%kl0wn> srsly.
- 03:27 pm <~pogo> well thats not cool
- Join [+] relapse has joined the channel.
- Mode [+] ChanServ sets mode: +o relapse
- <%kl0wn> relapse.
- <%kl0wn> sup yo.
- Join [+] krissy has joined the channel.
- <%kl0wn> krissy. chyeah
- <%kl0wn> here's a slut, bend girl
- Part [-] krissy has left the channel.
- Join [+] krissy has joined the channel.
- Mode [-] pogo sets mode: -m
- Mode [+] kl0wn sets mode: +v krissy
- <+krissy> thanks
- <%kl0wn> ya
- <%kl0wn> u best do dat pogo
- <+krissy> Where are you.
- 03:28 pm <~pogo> lol
- <%kl0wn> subz blowing his g-parents
- <~pogo> moter fuxker
- <%kl0wn> for free housing
- <%kl0wn> etc
- <%kl0wn> u aint know?
- <@relapse> shit
- Quit [!] Burimi has quit IRC (Quit: Burimi)
- <+krissy> no peanuter?
- Quit [!] [Krashed] has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
- <%kl0wn> peanuter is g.
- <%kl0wn> etc
- <+krissy> Ic Markyb
- <%kl0wn> relapse.
- <%kl0wn> sup man
- <%kl0wn> <3
- <+krissy> i know ect ect. Hes at our place:)
- <+krissy> WHERES B0NG
- <%kl0wn> up y0h ass
- <%kl0wn> hell na
- <%kl0wn> he retired from
- <%kl0wn> #fedlockup
- <%kl0wn> aka
- <%kl0wn> #bottalk
- #bottalk Message blocked: Unsolicited spam message detected
- <%kl0wn> LOL
- <%kl0wn> srsly
- <+krissy> LOL
- <%kl0wn> word banned
- <%kl0wn> for
- <+krissy> Wow
- 03:29 pm <%kl0wn> saying
- <%kl0wn> the own chan?
- <%kl0wn> rifk
- <%kl0wn> u guys are really
- <%kl0wn> faggots
- <+krissy> this place is totally differnt.
- <%kl0wn> yeah
- <%kl0wn> it's homo
- <+krissy> this chan i mean
- <%kl0wn> jester is + q
- <%kl0wn> u aint noticed
- <%kl0wn> he's homofablous
- <+krissy> i liked it better as bluehell.
- <%kl0wn> worse then ClearBlue
- <+krissy> LMFAO
- <+krissy> NOWAY
- <%kl0wn> na
- <%kl0wn> jester
- <%kl0wn> is gay
- <%kl0wn> back when he used to cry when a0
- <%kl0wn> would ban him from #gumdr0p
- <%kl0wn> to nxc
- <%kl0wn> to get unbanned
- <+krissy> did you read the quote, when clearblue was like "IM GOING TO HOLD A GRUDGE AGASINT YOU
- <%kl0wn> lil ph4nt0m
- 03:29 pm Nick [!] krissy is now known as a0
- <%kl0wn> LOLOL
- <%kl0wn> a0
- <%kl0wn> sup
- <%kl0wn> man
- <+a0> WHAT
- <%kl0wn> <3
- <%kl0wn> WHAT
- <+a0> <3
- <%kl0wn> LUL
- <%kl0wn> RIFK
- 03:30 pm <+a0> cunts
- <%kl0wn> yo
- <+a0> RIFK
- <%kl0wn> pogo.
- <&g0tBabe> Wanker.
- <%kl0wn> pogo
- <%kl0wn> pogp
- <%kl0wn> pogo
- <%kl0wn> identify your self
- <+a0> whose a a wanker?
- <%kl0wn> i need..
- 03:30 pm Nick [!] a0 is now known as krissy
- <%kl0wn> your cc, ssn, addreess, bank pin, bank location, and picture id
- <%kl0wn> hurry
- <%kl0wn> i aint got all day
- <+krissy> -
- <%kl0wn> for your skiddie ass
- <+krissy> [03:29] * Your nick is now a0
- <+krissy> -
- <+krissy> [03:29] -NickServ- This nickname may not be used. Please choose another one.
- <+krissy> -
- <+krissy> [03:29] -NickServ- If you do not change your nickname within one minute, it will be changed automatically.
- <+krissy> LOLOLOL
- <%kl0wn> LOL
- <&g0tBabe> Choose a family.
- <%kl0wn> i know
- <%kl0wn> they had a0
- <%kl0wn> cause a0 pwns
- <%kl0wn> this whole svr
- <%kl0wn> etc
- <%kl0wn> specialy fag0ts
- <+krissy> lmao
- <%kl0wn> oldmanlimpdick
- <%kl0wn> still here?
- 03:31 pm <%kl0wn> Wheres [myf4g]OldManLimpDick?
- <%kl0wn> rikioh & s0beit
- <%kl0wn> only cool niggers
- <%kl0wn> in #myg0t
- <%kl0wn> otherwise
- <%kl0wn> they can all /wrist
- <+krissy> I dont see FX, or DA, or any of them bitches
- 03:32 pm <+krissy> Subsyn
- <+krissy> none of them
- <+krissy> none of them
- Join [+] [Krashed] has joined the channel.
- Mode [+] ChanServ sets mode: +oa [Krashed] [Krashed]
- <+krissy> pfft
- <+krissy> krashed bandacoot.
- <%kl0wn> DA dont like #fedtalk
- <%kl0wn> anymore
- <&[Krashed]> indeed
- <%kl0wn> [Krashed]
- <%kl0wn> sup nig
- <%kl0wn> blowin dat peen sitll?
- 03:33 pm <&[Krashed]> not much u?
- <+krissy> rofl
- <+krissy> dude, srsly
- <+krissy> peanuter isnt even here
- <+krissy> .
- <+krissy> like wtf
- <+krissy> brb.
- <%kl0wn> [Krashed] nm, nig.. laughin at [Myg0t]OldManLimpDick
- <&[Krashed]> fuck u kl0wn
- <%kl0wn> [Krashed], don't get raged son
- <%kl0wn> i'm just fuckin wit u
- <%kl0wn> we all know u give the best reach arounds
- <%kl0wn> its all g00d lilniggah
- <&[Krashed]> lol
- 03:34 pm <%kl0wn> <3
- <&[Krashed]> ok w/e :P
- <&[Krashed]> <3
- <%kl0wn> don't you know?
- <%kl0wn> i'm the greatest motherfucke
- <%kl0wn> that ever came onto the internet.
- <%kl0wn> best chk yo self son.
- <%kl0wn> so who's all the new feds
- <%kl0wn> up ind is bitch
- <%kl0wn> with ur leet
- <%kl0wn> "BOTNETZ"
- <&[Krashed]> eh?
- <%kl0wn> where all da feds at
- <%kl0wn> this is #fedtalk
- <%kl0wn> u aint kno
- <%kl0wn> psh
- 03:35 pm <%kl0wn> where u been s0n.
- <%kl0wn> after subz got #Bottalk on lcirc
- #bottalk Message blocked: Unsolicited spam message detected
- <%kl0wn> it went gay
- <%kl0wn> bluehell
- <&[Krashed]> sl0w ur r0le
- <%kl0wn> is the shit
- <%kl0wn> bitch
- <%kl0wn> suck my dick
- <%kl0wn> ill dick smack da shit outta u
- <%kl0wn> etc
- <&[Krashed]> bluehell was indeed the shit
- <%kl0wn> ya.
- <%kl0wn> subz is homo
- <%kl0wn> blowing his grandparents for free rent.
- <%kl0wn> fucking fag
- <%kl0wn> etc
Posted by bottalk on Tuesday 30th June 2009 20:35:46 - Never Expires
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