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Posted by fukr on Sunday 5th July 2009 14:31:29 - Never Expires
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  1. (15:15:18) (&RaginRedneck) trap
  2. (15:15:23) (&RaginRedneck) my cat died
  3. (15:15:56) (&RaginRedneck) i needs sympothy
  4. (15:16:29) (~Trapdoor) aw shit RaginRedneck
  5. (15:16:36) (&RaginRedneck) he was really old
  6. (15:16:38) (~Trapdoor) :(
  7. (15:16:42) (&RaginRedneck) i mean REALY old
  8. (15:16:46) (~Trapdoor) died of old age?
  9. (15:16:58) (&RaginRedneck) he had enphazima
  10. (15:17:04) (&RaginRedneck) he was 23
  11. (15:17:10) (@Evil1) damn
  12. (15:17:18) (~Trapdoor) 23 human years?
  13. (15:17:20) (&RaginRedneck) rip darcy 1986-2009
  14. (15:17:20) (@Evil1) i put my cat down at 21
  15. (15:17:23) (&RaginRedneck) yea
  16. (15:17:25) (@Evil1) human
  17. (15:17:26) (~Trapdoor) wtf dude
  18. (15:17:30) (barura) RaginRedneck, thats some hell of a run, sorry man.
  19. (15:17:32) (~Trapdoor) you had a 23 year old cat/
  20. (15:17:42) (@Evil1) indoor
  21. (15:17:43) (~Trapdoor) !g 23 human years to cat years
  22. (15:17:43) (barura) Bah, my fucking english.
  23. (15:17:45) (Crapdoor) What are cat years to human years? | Ans @ http://www.answerbag.co.uk/q_view/77008 | Cat Years/Human Years - Topic : @ http://answerpool.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/172603602/m/3936057081 | How many cat years are in one human year @ http://www.chacha.com/question/how-many-cat-years-are-in-one-human-year | Is there a formula for human years to ca @ http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081123171036AAYxSp2
  24. (15:17:54) (~Trapdoor) fuck you google lol
  25. (15:17:56) (&RaginRedneck) he was really healthy other than his breathing
  26. (15:18:06) (&RaginRedneck) died in my lap
  27. (15:18:08) (@Evil1) Trapdoor, it is generally 7 to 1
  28. (15:18:10) (barura) "1 cat year is 15 human year"
  29. (15:18:12) (@Evil1) cat to human
  30. (15:18:14) (barura) Riiiiight.
  31. (15:18:18) (&RaginRedneck) right before i dropped the radio
  32. (15:18:24) (~Trapdoor) Evil1 7 is for dogs
  33. (15:19:05) (&RaginRedneck) im crying a little
  34. (15:19:22) (LoLz0r) fag
  35. (15:19:37) (~Trapdoor) aw dude RaginRedneck
  36. (15:19:42) (&RaginRedneck) .kb LoLz0r
  37. (15:19:43) �-� Chris_Hansen (+b) *!*@anon-9A82905B.chello.nl
  38. (15:19:43) �-� LoLz0r was kicked by Chris_Hansen (Requested (RaginRedneck))
  39. Session Close: Sun Jul 05 15:19:44 2009

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